 | | From:  Rhumour (Original Message) | Sent: 6/28/2008 3:26 AM |
Oscar stared through the glass at the rather motley crew of people sat out there in the waiting room.
There were one or two new faces today - one extremely new and rather small face had in particular caught his attention for a few moments. It was a rather pink little face and only notable for the somewhat compressed features that had suddenly became rather animated.
Fortunately for Oscar the noise being generated by the infant barely registered through the thick glass panel. His attention wandered away as some movement on the other side of the room caught first his left eye and then as he turned to get a better view, both eyes. He had spotted that the old man, who's name he did not know, was now busy picking up a stack of magazines that he had kicked over moments before when the screams of the small infant had woken him abruptly from a nap.
Some days Oscar paid little attention to the waiting room folk, they were often boringly predictable - sitting down for 10 or 20 minutes until their turn came - maybe flicking the pages of a magazine or leaflet, but many times somewhat introverted as they contemplated what they would tell the doctor or nurse. Children could be more entertaining, running up and down until an adult managed to restrain them.
Once in a while he would look out to see he was receiving some attention himself, he could make little sense of the conversations through the glass, just muffled vibrations, partly obscured in any event by the throbbing of the pump nearby, but at times people were even pointing towards him. Rudeness like that had riled him on a few occasions and he had tried to make them aware of his displeasure - he had been so annoyed one time when a child tapped loudly on the glass that he had spat and glowered back at him, so that he went scurrying back to his mum.
Later when the waiting room had emptied out, the receptionist came over to talk to him, as was her habit. His eyes were aware of the container she was carrying, and as she lifted the lid on his aquarium he was ready to pounce on the shower of food heading his way. He was a Red Oscar and proud too - at least the receptionist appreciated his good looks and she was never rude to him.
Rhumour June 27th 2008
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 8/4/2008 9:14 AM |
Hahaha....you have a sense of humour in your writing which I both enjoy and identify with, Dave. Love holding out till the end with an unexpected punchline. You are right with what you said in the main page...there are some super short stories and well written prose in this thread, but as with most poetry sites, it is good to have the options of different genres of writing, but they are ... as I call them, the 'window dressing' for the main poetry page, unfortunately. I can enjoy a sleepless night prusing around all the threads, even Collective Poems is as good as anything one would find in a bookshop, but is more used as a storage facility. BTW, would you like a page for your own work collectively? It gives the reader a chance to focus on one particular poet's work for a while without trolling back in time. I often used to pop in here for a late night read, shall keep my eye on it now you have found it, Dave, as I really enjoyed this 'fishy' tale, Zy |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 8/4/2008 9:51 AM |
Cheers Zydha - pleased that you liked my friend Oscar. It was based around the character of an oscar I had in our living room 30 years ago - they are by nature very nosey!
Thank you for the page offer my friend, that would be good - make it easier for me too as I sometimes forget what I have posted, lol. Is there an easy way to filter out and copy or move files?
I can't promise there will be many stories - I used to write a few many years ago, but rather lost the habit. Oscar was one that remained rattling in my head from a long while back, the original version having been lost with the failure of a hard drive some years ago that wiped out quite a few files........
thanks again
best wishes Dave |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 8/4/2008 5:16 PM |
Hy, no problems in making your own page in Collective, Dave, it is the same as the main thread for poetry, but is exclusively yours. Use it for filing, storage, or even experimentation with graphics, colour or whatever you choose. The icons above can be helpful, but it is simply a 'copy and paste' exercise from both here or wherever. I have been visiting quite a few friends sites (not msn) who have had some of mine displayed that I'd completely forgotten about and simply copied and returned them here, and the site format is unimportant, just copy and paste from anywhere to/as (and this is important) New Discussion for each piece, just as you use the main page, as you will find occasionally someone (often me, lol,) will tell you they have enjoyed a read of you alone or leave a comment on a particular piece. Oh...and if you post something and the text doesn't work from somewhere else, just copy and paste and post again, but highlight and chose one of the fonts above, Times New Roman is a safe one, I can always delete the first 'total' box if it's not right. I am about to get ready to go out for dinner, so will do it later tonight or tomorrow at latest, regards,  Zy |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 8/5/2008 12:12 PM |
Thanks Zydha - I will experiment as you suggested :)
best wishes Rhumour |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 8/5/2008 9:28 PM |
wow! I just popped in to see if you'd started using it, Dave, lol I can see that your work and I and many cups of hot chocolate are going to become well aquainted,  but seriously, I often can't sleep through the night and will spend time just reading other's work, and...it is great when an offer is picked up on and really used, Dave, thanks, Zy |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 8/6/2008 9:21 AM |
Thank you Zydha! I started by copying all the postings I've made here, but also added another 2 or 3. Amiens & the Perthect Ghost are new ones I'm still working on. Some anomaly resulted in a couple of them being duplicated, lol.
thanks again, Dave
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