 | | From:  philip113 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/6/2007 11:27 AM |
I've tried listening to my second recording attempt on the Audio site,and it comes through the first time round,as broken up and stacatto. If you let that version run,and then,after it has finished,click on your Windows Media START it does play normally. I would welcome any suggestions. The second recording was recorded on Microsoft Sound Recorder converted to 8000 KHz 16 Bit Stereo 31 Kb/sec accessed through All Programs - Accessories - Entertainment - Sound Recorder. [ The File - Properties - Convert facility allows you to change the KHz numbers.] |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 10/16/2007 2:17 AM |
Hy, Philip, I use 11,000 khz mono and it sounds fine....try that setting, but I have posted all input on recording from myself and others in Qs and As in left index, good luck and thanks for joining us in audio,  Zy PS, will listen tomorrow |