the heart of the matter

i began weeping without warning
with lots of folks around
i had to duck and cover
trying to snivel without a sound
i don’t know why it happened
or what thing set me off
or what could make my throat just ache
with my composure completely lost
it lasted for its length of time
it came and went at will
i think it was just in-passing
but perhaps i need a pill
it could have been an aberration
of the close encounter’s kind
perhaps it was my boss�?winking
his twitching-eye’s a bothersome sign
or in my softheart lurking
is a melancholy streak
a place i hide my winter
my heartbreak and my meek
i do not mind the weeping
my squeamish pride long-gone
but what if my softheart is leaking
i might not have too long
before my mind discover
my soul is in my heart
that my mind’s in charge of the chequebook
and other unimportant parts
but it’s my soul i must look after
to assure i meet my creed
of doing no harm to another soul
by thought - or word - or deed
so weeping without warning
my be an early sigh
of my mourning my soul’s passing - from page
to exchequer of the power of my mind
one can only hope
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