Dance Pretty Maiden, draped with
cascading hair, falling in false modesty,
dance, around druid's intoxicating fires
bringing sweet freedom from crop blight
and ancien cursed faeries of the dark.
Link with sistere ambiance this eve
of summer equinox and pagan thought
as the glow of the burnished sun, sets low
between the portals of an inviting freedom.
When all things merge into opaqued vision
fear not the swaying of folk around these
mysterious stones of this paganised park.
Frenzied rituals cavort in superstitious fear
casting runes afore ye as their lyres play soft,
gathering speed slowly to your lythesome spin,
turn, spin again, leap high 'cross exploding flames,
breath deep as hell's brimstone fills the air and chants
cast eerie spells on the thirst of crops held high within.
Then drop, Fair Maiden, to hand ~ bevelled stone
and release just one ~ last ~ sacrificial groan.