Cael Sanderson Iowa States greatest Wrestler of all time was seen in the audience waving to everyone then a fight broke out backstage between Cade and Chris Jericho Cade said Y2J was nothing but a child no wonder why the fans are into him they're all children as well HBK showed up bashing a chair over Jerichos head then Cade and HBK laughed walking off
Match 2:
John Cena
Fast and yet very boring match Cena did all the same moves the fans got bored of in WWE the fans chanted CENA SUCKS, YOU CANT WRESTLE a fan even put up a sign that said GO BACK TO BOSTON YOU CRAPPY WRESTLER Umaga delievered the Samoan Spike but Cena kicked out Cena again bored the fans as he hit the FU, someone in a mask came out dragging Christy Reso-Cena getting Cenas attention Umaga got to his feet hitting the Samoan drop and got the pin
-Winner Umaga
THe masked man kissed Christy infront of Cena then took her away
///Interview with John Morrison///
on Dark Inferno board
Backstage the masked man is seen taking Christy away from the arena Cena running down the hall still feeling the effects of the match earlier the scene is now the parking lot Cena yells out for CHRISTY a car comes at him nearly running him over the driver gets out and uses a tire iron on Cena then they get back in the car Christy still screaming as the car speeds away