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Last time on Endurance Online Fiji, orange team dominated the mission and decided to throw the Samadhi out of the game. Now, the teams will compete for a spot in the final 2 teams, however, the twists have not stopped.
Purple: Sarah and Scott-Teamwork, Discipline, Knowledge Orange: Casey and Kristen-Commitment, Ingenuity, Luck, Friendship Yellow: Hailey and Chris-Heart, Trust, Perseverance, Courage, Strength, Leadership
Pieces up for grabs: Karma
-the teams are sitting with JD outside the huts-
JD: So, last night, orange team, you won and decided to throw the Samadhi out of the game, Casey, can I ask why? Casey: Well, we knew that whoever got the Samadhi would probably be going to temple, and we didn’t want to hurt anyone, plus, I’m pretty confident that Kristen and I can do well in this mission. JD: Well, I hope that’s right, because I forgot to tell you one thing. -everyone looks shocked and they all gasp- JD: There will be no temple tonight. Scott: What?
*Endurance music starts* --two people in yellow shirts hug by a contraption --a girl in a purple shirt sobbing in the doorway of a hut --a boy in an orange shirt throwing down a long, thin pole --the grey and blue team walk up wooden steps *Endurance music fades*
JD: The team that gets 3rd place in this next mission will automatically be going home, no temple. Hailey: Oh my gosh! Kristen: Wow!
--Kristen: When JD told us that there would be no temple tonight, I was like, okay, so, I can have another night here, then, he said that the team that placed 3rd would be automatically be going to temple and I was so shocked! I kind of regret not giving the Samadhi to a team now, haha! I just really hope that Casey and I can pull through. --Scott: I was so surprised, I really want to win this mission, or at least get 2nd because I do not want to go home.
JD: So, I’ll see you by the beach for the mission, where one team will leave then and there, so, pack up your stuff and get ready to play the mission.
BY THE SWING: (Hailey, Chris) Hailey: Chris, we really need to win! Chris: I know, I can just taste the victory! Hailey: I think we got this, I mean, if it’s physical, I think we can beat out orange team, and it’s mental, I think we can beat out purple team. Chris: I think we can beat purple in physical to. Hailey: I know, they actually are not as strong as I thought they were. Chris: It’d be good to play them at the final 2 though. Hailey: Yeah, haha!
GIRLS HUT: (Sarah, Kristen) Kristen: I don’t want to go home today! Orange must win or get second place! Sarah: Haha, no one wants to leave today! Kristen: It stinks that if we lose, we can’t even get a chance to come back. Sarah: I know! Stupid twists! Kristen: What do you think this mission will be today? Sarah: I hope not physical, because then Scott is basically alone.
--Casey: I am so ready for this mission, I know that Kristen and I will do really well, I’m not that nervous. I want to play it and see yellow or purple team leave. I’m gonna be in the final 2 baby! I’m gonna win this whole dang game!
CROWS NEST: (Casey, Chris) Chris: Yellow better win this mission, purple has to go home. Casey: Purple? Chris, no offense, but yellow has 6 frickin’ pieces! There’s no way that I’m not jealous! Chris: But half of those pieces have been handed down to us. Like, out of all the teams, yellow is probably the weakest. Casey: We’ve won one mission! Chris: Exactly my point, purple has to go! Haha! Casey: Ehh, okay, point proven. Haha.
--Chris: We are just minutes away from the most important mission ever. This could be my last confessional and it stinks. Yellow better go and kick some major butt out in this mission otherwise we’ll be going home, and I do not want that to happen.
-the teams walk out to the beach-
JD: As I see the final three teams come down this beach, yellow, purple, and orange. None of these colors have won any seasons of Endurance before so either way it will be a first. Speaking of firsts, as I look at the nervous expression on everyone’s faces, this is the first temple mission, with no temple. As you know, the team that comes in third place will automatically go home, no temple. Now, I’m sure you want to know what the mission is, right? Okay, well, in this mission you and your partner will be hanging from your feet upside down over the water. You will have to hold hands with your partner and stay there, until one team drops. The first team to let go and be detached from their partner will lose this mission and go home immediately. It all comes down to who wants to be here the most. Ready? Kristen: Oh yea! JD: Then let’s go!
-the teams get into position-
JD: When I say go, grab your partners hands and do not let go! Ready? GO!
-the teams hold hands above the water-
Scott: Sarah, whatever you do, do not fall. Stick with me here. Casey: You okay, Kristen? Kristen: Heck yea! I’m ready to win this mission! Hailey: Too bad we’re going to win it! Chris: We got this Hailey! Sarah: I want to be here too badly to fall. Scott: That’s my girl! Think of your friends, your family, singing, dancing, fight through the pain. Casey: Greatest feeling of my life, right here baby, right here!
JD: You guys have been holding on for 25 minutes! Obviously you guys want to be here badly. Which team will be the first to fall?
-time passes-
JD: 40 minutes you guys have been hanging on! Who wants this the most?
Hailey: Someone fall already! Kristen: No, this is way to fun to fall! Scott: Just keep telling yourself that Kristen! Kristen: I think I will! Sarah: Scott, it hurts! Scott: C’mon Sarah, don’t give up! Chris: Ahhh, the pain!
JD: It looks like the yellow and purple teams are starting to move around a little bit. And the orange team, man, Casey’s practically sleeping over there! It all comes down to this mission, which team will leave tonight, now and forever?!?
-time passes-
JD: This mission is intense. All three teams still competing, the first to drop will leave. Oh, and that’s it, this mission is over!
-Sarah and Scott are swinging apart hanging by their feet-
Hailey: Oh my gosh, Chris!! Kristen: No way! Final two baby! YES! Casey: Wooo! Kristen, we did it! Scott: Noooo! Darn it! Sarah: Sorry Scott.
-the teams walk out to the beach with JD-
JD: Purple team, I’m sorry, but after a long time, you guys fell and now, you have to leave now. You guys were a strong team and should be proud of being in the final two.
Kristen: Scott! Don’t worry about it! Hailey: I’ll miss you Sarah. Chris: SCOTT! NO! Don’t leave!
-the purple team says their goodbye and leaves-
JD: Orange team, yellow team, congratulations on making it to the final two teams of Endurance Fiji. I’m sure you guys are very proud. Tomorrow night, one team will become Endurance champion, and I know that both of you guys want that, so, get a good night sleep and be ready to compete for all of purple’s pieces.
Orange: Casey and Kristen-Commitment, Ingenuity, Luck, Friendship [4] Yellow: Hailey and Chris-Heart, Trust, Perseverance, Courage, Strength, Leadership [6]
Pieces up for grabs: Karma, Teamwork, Discipline, Knowledge
Next time, with the final two teams of Endurance Online Fiji, they will battle it out for the four remaining pieces. Yellow team has a two piece lead, but in this mission, anything and everything will change.
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Whoo!!! Go Sleeping Casey!!! We so would have won if it was just a regular Temple Mission lol. FINAL 2 BABY!!!! Its the 2 switched teams in the Final 2! I just remembered that! GO ORANGE! |
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Aww that stinks lol. My favorite team always gets 3rd on Endurance Can we at least leave a really we-deserve-this-more-than-you letter lol? |
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Yes, Scott, if you would like, you can write a letter, email it to me and I'll put it on...haha... |
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