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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamecole_93  (Original Message)Sent: 3/5/2008 12:43 AM
*= confessional
JD: Thanks Purple team, Blue team. I now hold each teams final element, a lot riding on this. Will the dominant element please rise now.
Purple: Water   Blue: Fire
Jake: Crap!
JD: Blue team, the wood burns. Purple team return to the huts, they'll be happy to see you.
Derek: I'm back!
Garrett: Yeah!
Mike: Taylor is gone!
(next morning huts)
JD: Hey you guys get over here.
JD: As you know the Blue team went home last night but they did leave a note that I'll let you read kelly.
Kelly: "Dear everyone that didn't want us gone, Gold team, Andres, why did you send us, we're helpless as a team. Yellow team, Mike, just because you're friends with the strongest teams here don't get over confident, they'll send you when they don't need you anymore. Green team, Vanessa, do you know why you're team isn't being targeted because I sure don't. Orange team, Taylor doesn't have anything to say about you but Mac, you were my best friend here and I would have given you the friendship piece but Taylor is too much of a control freak. Grey team, Garrett, Taylor still really hates you but don't feel bad, that's just her nature. Purple team, Derek, Taylor still loves you and that's why you'll get our piece. See you people later, Jake and Taylor."
JD: Purple team, you just got another piece so now Green, Gold, Yellow and Purple have two and everyone else has just one.
JD: That letter had a question aimed towards you Vanessa, why is Green not a target?
Vanessa: I think we're not a target because even though we have two pieces we're not a huge threat.
JD: Is that because you're in an aliance with a team like say...Gold or Orange.
Vanessa: Well, everyone here knows we are in an alliance with Orange but no, we aren't in one with Gold.
(Andres smiles)
JD: Do you have something to say Andres?
Andres: No, I'm just suprised that they're in an alliance with Orange.
JD: Okay, I'll see you at the beach for today's Endurance mission.
Derek: Garrett, can you come outside for a minute?
Garrett: Sure.
Derek: I was thinking since Purple and Grey are on the outside here we should make an alliance to keep eachother in the game.
Garrett: Okay, cool.
(endurance mission)
JD: Today's Endurance mission is Hand Bike, partners will take turns on the hand bike going back and forth grabbing their team colored squares and putting them on the shelf on the other side. The first team to get all five wins. You know how important this mission is right?
Mike: Yeah.
JD: Good because I forgot one thing, the winner of the mission gets to choose the Super teams.
Mac: Whoa.
Garrett: Now we gotta win today.
JD: Now remember this is for the power to choose the Super teams. Ready, go!
Kelly: Go Mike!
JD: Mike just fell in, meaning he has to go back to the platform and start again.
Rachel: Don't fall Mac!
Kelsey: Come on Andres, you got this.
Vanessa: Cole, you're in second, hurry!
JD: It looks like Purple is first to the platform then Green and Orange.
JD: Now all the guys but Mike who is still on that warm Caribbean have made it across, now the girls are up.
(time elapsed)
JD: Now it's a race to the finish between Purple, Green, and Orange.
JD: It looks like Derek is pulling away, just a couple more feet and...oh! Derek fell off.
Vanessa: Derek fell of, go Cole!
Rachel: It's down to you and Cole, go!
JD: It's really close and...Green wins by inches.
Cole: WE WON!
Cole: Nice race Mac, either way you're on my super team.
JD: That took real discipline not to fall into the water, so not only do you get the Discipline piece putting you in first, you also won the power to choose the super teams. Nice job guys.
Cole: Thanks JD.
*Cole and Vanessa: WE WON, YEAH WE WON! Now we have the lead and we get to choose the super teams. Our super team will be Green, Gold, and Orange, and we're gonna crush Purple, Yellow and Grey!
*Derek: This was my chance to take the lead in this game and make deals with strong teams to keep them in the game, and I blew it.
JD: So, Vanessa, I'll ask you for your team's decision.
Vanessa: Our Super team is  Gold and Orange.
JD: Meaning the other is Purple, Grey, and Yellow.
JD: Any reasoning behind that decision Cole?
Cole: We just chose the other two teams that have actually won a mission.
JD: In a sence picking the strongest teams.
Cole: Right.
JD: Alright, we'll see how that decision pays off for you tomorrow.
*Derek: Well, my "super team" is Yellow, Grey, and Purple, what a great bunch huh? What chance do we have of winning?
Next time on Endurance Jamaica the two Super teams battle it out and one of the alliances is split up. The next episode should be up on Wednesday of Thursday.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamecole_93Sent: 3/5/2008 12:47 AM
did the green team make the right choice in the super teams decision or will the underdog team of Purple, Grey, and Yellow win? Do you have a favorite team, I want to hear somone's opinions on the game.