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Last time on Endurance Online Fiji, the final three teams were faced with a twist. The team that placed last in the mission would be going home automatically, no temple. The purple team saw their fate slip away as they left the island forever. Now, we have our final two teams, orange, and yellow, who will win Endurance Online Fiji?
-the teams are outside the huts with JD-
JD: Final two teams! Kristen: Woo woo! JD: How does it feel? Hailey: Amazing! JD: Well, by the end of today, we will have the winner of Endurance Online Fiji, and it will be either the yellow team. Or the orange team. Just think that to when you first came here, and out of twenty teens, it’s come down to four. Chris: Wow. JD: So, I’ll give you guys time to remember all that’s happened, all the good and bad times.
-JD leaves and the two teams sit outside the huts-
Casey: Gahh, so exciting! Hailey: I know, final two baby!
-the teams walk into their huts-
--Kristen: When we got into our huts, there was paint and ribbons lying there, so we all decided to paint the huts and the bunks.
-the teams start painting and remembering all the past teams-
Chris: We should paint the rim of the bunks with the color team of the person that slept there. Casey: Okay, sounds good!
-they all start to paint the bunks-
Kristen: Jackie’s bunk, green, for being the craziest girl I know! Hailey: Aww, and Becky, for being so nice and sweet to everyone. Casey: I’m going to start crying!! Haha… Kristen: Haha! Chris: Just to tell you, I’m the worst painter ever, so, sorry Amanda (gray), your bunk is going to be messy! Kristen: I have the best idea, we should paint the top of their bunk with the team’s name. Casey: Yeah, I’ll do JAY and CAROLINA in big letters because they both were super cool.
--Casey:Brown team was a great team, they were great competitors, and Jay was one of the biggest fans I know. They should have stayed here longer…they were both great people. --Chris: Towards the end of the game, Chris and I got real close, he was like a brother to me and painting his bunk where he slept made me remember all of our great times together.
Hailey: This bunk is for Ben (blue) because he was so funny and made everyone laugh. Kristen: Man, that kid was awesome! Casey: Scott, my buddy! Practically the greatest person alive! Chris: And Graham, he was cool!!! Our Graham cracker!!! Haha...
--Hailey: Painting the bunks just made me realize how great everyone was, even if we were in a fight. I miss these people so much. We were all remember our inside jokes and the weird things about everyone and it was really nice.
-later, the teams leave the huts all painted-
BY THE SWING: (Kristen and Casey) Kristen: I’m nervous about today. Casey: I know, me too. We really have to get at least 3 of the pieces today. Kristen: I think we can, maybe… Casey: Yeah, I think so too, I mean, I think we can easily beat yellow team in a physical game. Kristen: And probably a mental one too. Casey: Yeah, we’ve gotta get in the zone to play. Kristen: I’m ready, I want to battle for the pieces!
BOYS HUT: (Chris and Hailey) Hailey: Are you scared? Chris: Surprisingly no, not really. I mean, win or lose, I am going to be happy that I had this experience and everything, you know? Hailey: Yeah, but winning would make this so much better! Chris: I know. Hailey: It’s going to be sad to leave Fiji. Chris: *sigh* I’ll miss this place so much!
-the teams walk to the beach where JD is standing-
JD: Hey guys! So, today, purple team’s three pieces are up for grabs plus the Karma piece. Orange, you have to get at least 3 pieces to tie the yellow team in the final temple. Do you guys want to know what you’ll be playing today? Chris: YES! JD: Okay, out there in the ocean, there are eight boxes on eight rafts. One player will have to swim out to the rafts and get a box. They will bring it back to shore and on top of the box will be a question about the show and past seasons. If you answer if correctly, you get to open the box. If you answer incorrectly, you will have to put the box back on it’s raft and get a new one. Now, inside the box, there is a 50-50 chance that there will be a piece inside. If there is, you get to keep that piece, if not, swim back to the ocean and get another box. Get it? Kristen: Yupp! Chris: Let’s do this! JD: Okay, ready, set go!
Chris and Kristen swim out to the ocean and grab a box. Chris comes in first and hands the box to Hailey. Kristen then comes into shore and gives the box to Casey
Hailey: Okay, which Endurance High Sierras players did not get along at all? Chris: Umm, Cealey and Taylor.
-JD gives the yellow team the ‘okay’ to open the box-
Yellow opens the box and inside is a fake piece. Chris swims back to the ocean. Meanwhile…
Casey: What Endurance 2 player had a sister on Endurance Fiji? Kristen: Leslie’s brother…umm… Casey: Glen.
-JD gives the orange team the ‘okay’ to open the box-
Casey opens the box and inside is the knowledge piece. Kristen swims back to the ocean, right behind Chris.
Orange: Casey and Kristen-Commitment, Ingenuity, Luck, Friendship, Knowledge [5] Yellow: Hailey and Chris-Heart, Trust, Perseverance, Courage, Strength, Leadership [6]
Pieces up for grabs: Karma, Teamwork, Discipline
Chris and Kristen get their box and swim back at the same time. They both open their box.
Chris: Which player in Endurance 1 caught the blue ball? Hailey: Gosh, I have no clue, but I think Christian? Chris: Wait, no, wasn’t in Ashley?
Casey: Who won the right to come back into the game in Season 3? Kristen: Vanetta, or Tom? Casey: Tom, right?
-JD gets the answers from both teams and they answer them correctly-
Yellow opens their box and inside is the teamwork pieces. Orange opens their box and inside is the karma piece.
Orange: Casey and Kristen-Commitment, Ingenuity, Luck, Friendship, Knowledge, Karma [6] Yellow: Hailey and Chris-Heart, Trust, Perseverance, Courage, Strength, Leadership, Teamwork [7]
Pieces up for grabs: Discipline
JD: Only one piece left, four boxes left. Who will get that piece and take the lead?
Chris and Casey swim to shore and they each get a box. Casey comes back first and orange reads the question.
Kristen: In Season 6, which team won the mission Box Launch? Casey: Red.
-JD gives them the ‘okay’ to open the box-
Hailey: In Season 2, who was the yellow team in an alliance with? Chris: I think green. Hailey: Wasn’t there another team? Chris: Purple?
Orange team opens the box and there is a fake piece inside. Casey swims back to shore.
Hailey: No, no, it was green and brown.
Yellow opens their box and inside is the discipline piece.
Orange: Casey and Kristen-Commitment, Ingenuity, Luck, Friendship, Knowledge, Karma [6] Yellow: Hailey and Chris-Heart, Trust, Perseverance, Courage, Strength, Leadership, Teamwork, Discipline [8]
JD: And that’s it. Each team got two pieces, so yellow, you have a two piece lead going into the final temple, but remember, anything can happen.
-The teams leave the beach and go to their huts-
BOYS HUT: (Hailey, Chris, Casey, Kristen) Casey: That was a fun mission. Chris: I know, I liked it a lot. Hailey: It was hard though, because our first box was a fake piece so we had to swim back out. Casey: Yeah, it was frustrating when you got a fake piece. Kristen: Well, we each got two, so that worked out nicely.
--Kristen: In this mission each team got two pieces, so we are down two pieces, but like JD said, anything can happen at the final temple. Win or lose I will enjoy this experience.
BY THE BEACH: (Chris, Hailey) Chris: I hope we win tonight. Hailey: Me too. Chris: We have a two piece advantage, but… Hailey: That isn’t a huge lead, I mean, orange can still come back.
**Next time on Endurance Online Fiji, after many weeks of grueling challenges and intense drama, we are down to our final two teams. Will is be the yellow team? Or the orange team?
-shows clips of the two teams walking up to temple- -show two silver pyramids turning over- -Chris gasps- -Kristen turns away-
All on the finale of Endurance Online Fiji!
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I am going to try to finish this season up by the end of this week because I am leaving next week for two weeks. So, when I see that pretty much everyone has read this board, we will do an actual final temple where the four players will play. |
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Awesome episode! I liked the mission a lot? Haha, I seemed to be doubting everything I said in the game...hehe... |
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I liked this episode. I think were ready for the Temple. And I doubted afew things I said. Like the missing Brown and junk cause I never even talked to them in the episodes I dont think. But Im gonna go back and read them all just to recap. Maybe we can be like Blue with the same exact score, And the same Temple. And the same prize!!! |
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You may not have talked to brown in the episodes, but that doesn't mean you weren't friends with them...it just didn't show in the episodes... |
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Maybe but hopefully not.I'm REPRESENTING E7 YELLOW CAUSE THEY WERE UNFAIRLY ELIMINATED!!!! BTW awesome episode!I'm ready but I'll ask Hailey.. |
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What has happened to Hailey? She has seemed to disappear... |
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I am leaving on spring break for two weeks, so when I get back we will start the final mission... |
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