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All-Star Stories : Endurance Fans VS. Favorites Episode 4
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 Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewesley_e7_green  (Original Message)Sent: 3/9/2008 10:20 PM

Previously on Endurance:  Green team took control and by winning the mission they gave the samdhi to the Brown team, today another team will be leaving the islands, find out who tonight!






JD: Come out out here guys!

Andres: Hey JD,

Sabrina: Whats up??

JD: Today is your first Temple Mission, Be prepared for that becasue any team that wins will get to send up any two teams to temple, Brown Team, you guys will have to work extra harder in order to win todays mission, I'll see you guys there,






*Brown, Yellow, and Blue Talk*

Becca: One of us has to win today

Andres: If we dont Brown is deff, going to temple.

Lilly: im going to go and talk to Kristen about some things, Be back later,

*Lilly walks out*

Jay: Are they in any sort of alliance?

Andres: Im not sure, its possible.

Keetin: I want Red gone with Green tonight,

Jay: Me two, Red team is Evil

Becca: Wayyy Evil!




*Kristen and Lilly*

Lilly: So, what are you going to do today is you win?

Kristen: I already promised you that I wouldnt send you guys, so dont worry about it if we win,

Lilly: yeah, Brown is scared today,

Kristen: I think if we win they might be an option for temple,








*Red Team*

Sabrina: So, Brown or Yellow must go tonight!

Joey: yeah, Brown is my best option to leave,

Sabrina: Mine two,

Sabrina: Yeah, We like have to win today!

Joey: If Yellow or Blue wins were gone!






*Orange and Purple Talks*

Daniela: I dont think were really a target today,

Aric: I dont want to go to temple tonight,

Zoe: We need to prove ourselves today in the mission,

PG: You guys will do great im sure,

Aric: I hope so, I hate temple!





*Purple and Green*

Shep: Red Team is going to get us far, there strong,

Kristen: If they win they wont send us,

PG: Im alright with Red, but at final 4 we need to drop them,

Daniela: yeah!

Shep: Or earlier, They could go on us at anytime, But now Its Red, Green, and Purple against Blue, Yellow, and Brown and Orange is just in the middle,

Kristen: Yeah, If Brown or Blue wins Red and Green are goine to temple.







*At challenge*

JD: This challenge is called Drop out, From Endurance High Sierras The guys will be hanging onto that trap door with there girl standing on it, when they let go there teams out!, Brown Team, you must walk out on the plank 20 second before any other person, You ready Keetin?

Keetin: yeah,

JD: Okay, GO! Only Keetin,


Keetin: come on Andres, you got it, Hang on,

Andres: I am Keetin, I want let go,


JD: Alright, 20 seconds is up, everyone walk out!

Zoe: you got this Aric!




Lilly: you can do this Oscar! come on!




Andres: Keetin! I cant do....



JD: And Brown team is out!


JD: Orange is out!

Kristen: Your doing great Shep!

Joey: Sabrina! I could hold you all day!

Sabrina: Well that means we will win!

Oscar: Lilly! Im slipping,

Lilly: No Oscar!


JD: And Yellow is out! Brown, Orange, and Yellow are out!

Jay: Becca, My hands are slipping!

PG: Daniela! I cant do it!


JD: And Purple and Blue both fell! Down to Red and Green!




Sabrina: Whatever happens we wont send you guys,

Kristen: Same here, I promise!


Joey: Sabrina! Im slipping!

Shep: Kristen!!



JD: And Red is out! GREEN WINS!



Kristen: YEAH!

Shep: YES!

*Green Hugs*

JD: Green Team, you guys won again! Congrats! Tonight you guys wil hvae to send two teams up to the temple of fate, Think about it and I will see you guys later,






*Green and Blue Talk*

Jay: Are we going to temple?

Shep: we dont know, Were sending Brown though,

Kristen: Brown was a big target this week, so were going to finish what was started, Its just finding out who the other team is,

Becca: If you send us, It will be bad if we come back, Alot of teams will be mad at you, If you send us, Yellow will get you guys,

Shep: Yeah, we have alot of thinking to do,





*Orange and Brown*

Aric: I think were going up,

Andres: Why would you think that?

Zoe: I just have a feeling,

Keetin: I doubt it, I think they will send Yellow and Brown







*Yellow and Green*

Lilly: Our deal is still on right?

Shep: yeah, you guys are deff. not going,

Lilly: Okay, good,

Oscar: Whos going,

Kristen: Were sorry but were sending Brown, We dont know who else to send,

Lilly: Send Red

Shep: I dont know,





*Purple, Red, and Green*

Shep: Were down to Blue and Orange,

Sabrina: What about Yellow?

Kristen: We promised not to send each other to the first temple, I want to send Orange becasue there not really strong,

Joey: Oh, I would send Blue,

PG: yeah, there stronger,

Kristen: This is hard!





*Green Team Makes Final Decisions*

Kristen: I want to send Orange, It makes sense to,

Shep: Yeah, If we send Blue we will have a target on our back,

Kristen: Yeah,

Shep: With Brown gone, Orange can be pulled over to our side.






*At the Cove*

JD: Green, Congrats on the win! You guys had to send two teams to temple, who will they be?

Kristen: It was very hard but sadly Brown and Orange,

Aric: Ugghhh.

Shep: So sorry guys,

JD: Orange and Brown, you two will be heading to temple, See you there,





*Packing things*

Shep: Sorry Andres, Its just part of the game,

Andres: I understand,

Aric: I just dont understand about us,

Zoe: Me either,





*At Temple*

JD: Welcome Brown and Orange team, By tonight one of you guys will be gone, Pick up your first piece of wood and write down your element,


Aric: Water,

Zoe: you sure?

Aric: yeah, always pick water first!



JD: Will the dominate element please rise now!


Orange: Water

Brown: Fire

JD: One round for Orange!

Aric: yeah!

JD: Pick up your next piece of wood,


Andres: should we pick water?

Keetin: They might pick fire so yeah,


JD: Brown team, this could be it, Will the elements please rise now!

Orange: Wood

Brown: Water

Zoe: AHAHH!!! We won!!

*Orange Hugs*

JD: Brown Team, were sorry but you guys are leaving, sorry guys,

*Brown fades behind fire*

JD: you did it Orange! Congrats! go back and show them what your made of!








Aric: Were Back!!


Kristen: YAY!!!

*Green and Orange Hug*

Sabrina: YES! Browns Gone!

Lilly: Ahh this sucks!

Oscar: I know!

*Blue and Yellow Hug*



On The Next Endurance: Browns Pieces are left to a  suprizing team, One more Endurance mission, and another samadhi, who will get it? find out soon!












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 Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekris_is_a_NewYorka2Sent: 3/9/2008 11:15 PM
Woo, Shep and I are on FIRE!!! Haha...actually, this mission was called "Walk the Plank", I believe, Drop-Out was the one Erika won for Red in Tehachapi...

 Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamecooldogs777100Sent: 3/9/2008 11:31 PM
yea. o me and subrena where so so so cloths to winning twoday owell at lest are alience won

 Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewesley_e7_greenSent: 3/9/2008 11:53 PM
haha Kristen!
When I wrote I was worrying about it!
I knew that wasnt the name!'
and Im going to have a fans vs. favorites 2 after this one,
Anyone in this game can apply but the winner cannot, lol.

 Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamecooldogs777100Sent: 3/9/2008 11:55 PM
ok if i dont win this won i wont to play the next one please

 Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewesley_e7_greenSent: 3/16/2008 8:23 PM
Sorry about no new episodes!
I'll get episode 5 adn 6 up this week, then i'll be gone next week for spring break.

 Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEndurance_Fan1Sent: 3/17/2008 5:08 AM
Casey over here would like to be in All Stars 2!!!
I would want Jordyn or Jackie as my partner.
Jordyn would be cool
And Jackie would be like. "CASEEYYYY!!! CASEYYYYYYY!!!!"

 Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 3/17/2008 7:34 PM
Good episode! I want to be in fans vs. favorites 2! and i want to be with reece again...haha, but if not, then will or connor from e5!!!

 Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesnowyzemonkeySent: 3/18/2008 2:14 AM
Oooh, I deff want to be in the next one! :D

I'd want either Jon (purple) from E4, Mike from E2 or Dakota, or Ben from e6. Wow, I've got a lot. xD

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