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All-Star Stories : Endurance: Rhode Island-Episode 11
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Recommend  Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEmi106  (Original Message)Sent: 7/23/2008 9:12 PM
JD: Last time, the Orange Team discovered the alliance between Blue and Red and told everyone (Shows Gavin saying, “It proves their in an alliance!”). Red Team won the temple challenge and sent Yellow and Orange packing (Shows Jordin saying, “I saw it coming.”). In this episode, the teams will be pushed to their limits in the Endurance mission, and one team in particular will be torn apart (Shows someone sitting in a corner, wrapped in a ball). This is Endurance: Rhode Island.
Theme Song
20 Teens (shows two people hugging)
A new location (shows an aerial view of a beach)
More challenges (shows a team pulling a boat)
1 winner (shows a boy jumping up and down wildly)
Endurance: Rhode Island  
Yellow is sitting on the shore watching Layne and Kimberly talk.
Casper: Why did ORANGE have to leave?
Brittney: I was just asking myself the very same question.
Casper: “Orange left which means were basically the social outsiders now.
Brittney and I don’t really have anyone to talk to anymore.”  
Kimberly and Layne are talking by the swing.
Kimberly: (Looking over her shoulder at Yellow) Why do they keep looking over us?
Layne: I don’t know. It’s kind of creepy.
Kimberly: Yeah…
Kimberly: “It’s kind of weird with only three teams. It seems so much quieter and calmer and lonelier. I really miss the Purple team right now. I mean, Blue is great, but Jared and Samantha were our best friends.” 
Layne: “It’s definitely really weird with only three teams left. I kind of like being away from all of the chaos but I also miss a lot of the teams.”
JD: Hey, you all, come on out here!
Casper: Hey, JD!
JD: Well, as you all know, the Orange Team left us last night. They left someone their pieces and a letter. Brittney, why don’t you read the letter?
Brittney: Certainly.
 Dear Final Three Teams,
  You guys are really lucky to be there so enjoy while you can. I personally think that we should be in the final three instead of one team but that’s alright. I’ll start by saying, Red, you guys are really strong but I didn’t really like the way you stole the Blue team’s alliance from us. That was totally wrong. Yellow, I don’t think you guys deserve to be there but it’s whatever. And finally, Blue, although you guys made an alliance behind us, we still love you the most and that’s why we’re giving you both of our pieces, Perseverance and Strength. We hope you go all the way and win.
     Gavin and Jordin
JD: Well, they certainly had a lot to say. Is it all true, Jackson?
Jackson: It was true that we made and alliance but it was after we had been removed from our alliance with Orange. It wasn’t behind their backs.
JD: I see. But you got their pieces anyway which ties you for first place with the Red team. Yellow, you only have one, but you’ll have a chance to get back in the race in today’s mission. You will be fighting for two pieces and a Samadhi that will benefit instead of handicap. 
The teens have shock painted over their faces. Brittney looks over and grins at Casper. Casper nods.
JD: I’ll meet you all down by the mission field in a bit. 
The Blue team is putting their pieces on their pole.
Jackson: “It feels really good to be tied with the Red team. It’ll be nice going into the final temple mission with at least five pieces.”
Casper and Brittney: *This is so awesome! This is the break we’ve been waiting for! If we win this mission, we might actually have a chance at the final temple challenge! We’re going to win! Red is going down!*  
Layne: *We absolutely have to win this mission! I am determined to show everyone who never believed that Jackson and I could win, who always considered us underdogs that we can win. I am an Endurance Champion!*
Blue is talking in the girls’ cabin:
Layne: We have to win.
Jackson: We do?
Layne: Yes, Jackson. We have to win!
Jackson: Why do we have to?
Layne: Because if we win this mission, we prove ourselves, we could secure our place as finalists. We have to win!
Jackson: We don’t have to win to become finalists. We could do it without winning this mission. 
Layne: Do you want to win this thing?
Jackson: Well, yeah, I just don’t see what’s at stake here.
Layne sighs frustratingly then storms out of the cabin.
Jackson: “I think the competition has gotten to Layne’s head. She’s gotten a little pushy and aggressive which is very much unlike her.”
Layne: “Jackson is being ridiculous! We have a chance here and he’s willing to just pass it up! I was trying to get him pumped but he obviously doesn’t want to win!” 
Layne runs into Kimberly:
Kimberly: What’s wrong, Layne? You look upset.
Layne: I am, okay! 
Kimberly: Okay.
Layne stomps over to the swings.
Kimberly: “Something is seriously wrong with Layne. She’s gotten way into this game and she needs to calm down.”
At the challenge:
JD: Welcome to your last Endurance mission. Like I said before you will be competing for two pieces, Ingenuity and Karma, and a Samadhi that will benefit you in the next mission. Are you all ready to hear about you mission?
Logan: If we must!
JD: Well, Logan, don’t be too enthusiastic. In this mission, you will have to find all seven of your team colored flags before another team does. The flags are scattered all throughout the forest and the beach. You can split up if you like or you can stick together but your team will have to search the forest and beach to find all seven of your team colored flags and place them on your platform before you can win.
Casper: What?
JD: Don’t worry, Casper. You won’t be searching the whole forest or beach. There is a perimeter. You see this black rope?
Everyone nods.
JD: This rope goes all around a section of the beach and a section of the forest to make a square. There aren’t any flags beyond the square. 
The teens sigh.
JD: Is everyone ready? Get into your positions!
The teams get onto their starting platforms.
JD: GO! 
The three teams run in different directions.
The Blue team:
Layne: I think we should split up. We could cover ground faster.
Jackson: Okay.
Jackson and Layne go in different directions.
The Red team:
Logan: Let’s split up, then we’ll meet back right here to see if we have all of the flags.
Kimberly: Yeah, that sounds good.
Logan and Kimberly split up.
The Yellow team:
Casper: I think we should stick together. We’ll know when we have all of the flags and we won’t have to wait for the other person to meet them to find out.
Brittney: Whatever.
Casper: “Brittney and I decided to stick together for this mission. It was a different strategy than the other teams were using which made me a bit nervous but I think it was smarter than splitting up. I mean, have these people even seen an episode of Scooby Doo? Nothing good happens when you split up.” 
Kimberly is the first to find a flag Logan finds one right after her. Soon Layne and Casper and Brittney have found flags too.
The Red team:
Logan: Kimberly, I can see you. That means you’re too close.
Kimberly: Oh, Logan, shut up. I’m just finding flags.
Logan: Hey, we said split up.
The Yellow team:
Casper: I think I see one behind that tree!
Brittney: Casper, I think that’s mold.
Casper: What? Mold is-- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!?!
The Blue team:
Layne: (Yelling through the forest) Jackson, have you found one yet?!
Jackson: (Yelling back) No, I’m working on it Layne!
Layne: (Yelling) Well work harder!
Jackson: (Yelling) I’m doing my best!!
Layne: (Yelling) Well I guess your best isn’t good enough!!
Jackson: (Yelling) SHUT UP!! I HATE YOU!!
Layne: “When Jackson yelled that he hated me, I really think that it was a wake up call kind of telling me that I was being ridiculous. Yeah, I wanted to win but I don’t think it was worth losing my partner or my friends.”
The Red team:
Logan: (To himself) Yes! A flag! Oh wait, flags don’t slither…
After the Blue team’s scene, Layne finds another flag, Brittney and Casper find one, and Logan is almost attacked by a snake. 
The Yellow team:
Casper: Let’s search the beach.
Brittney: We should finish the woods first.
Casper: Come on, no one’s on the beach plus it’ll be easier to find flags in. You can’t really hide two foot, bright yellow flags on a beach very well.
Brittney: I guess.
The Blue team runs into each other.
Jackson: Did you find another one.
Layne: Nope, not yet. Only these two.
Jackson: Okay, well I haven’t searched near the cave yet. There might be some over there. I’m going to search by the woods nearer to the beach.
Layne: Alright, and I’m sorry for being pushy and stuff. I just—
Jackson: You can apologize later. Right now, we have a mission to win!
They split up.
Not long after that, Jackson finds one in a tree and Layne finds another by the cave, then they go off to search the beach together. Logan finds one behind a bolder and goes to search the beach. Casper and Brittney found one but decided to check the woods again.
The Blue team:
Jackson: Come on, only three more!
Layne: Don’t you start turning into the competitive one, mister.
The Red team meets each other on the beach.
Kimberly: I searched the whole forest. I don’t think there are any more flags in there.
Logan: Okay well let’s clean up the beach!
The Yellow team:
Brittney: This isn’t working!
Casper: I know what I’m doing!
Brittney: We should’ve just stayed in the woods until we were sure we had all of the flags from there. Stop moving around so much!
Casper: Just trust me!
Brittney: “Casper really didn’t have a plan. I don’t think he knew what he was doing. It seemed like he was just sort of improvising or playing by ear or something.”
The Red team finds two more flags right next to each other while the Blue team finds two more as well. They have a hard time on the beach so Jackson goes back into the woods to find the last one. Yellow finds two more in the woods then Casper runs off to the beach leaving Brittney in the forest.
The Red team:
Kimberly: I think we can do this!
Logan: Just two more and we got it!
The Yellow team:
Brittney: (Yelling) Cas-per?! Cas-per?! 
Casper: (To himself) Why, oh why did I get stuck with her?
The Blue team:
Layne: (To herself) Where is he? Did he find it?

Jackson: (To himself) Where is that flag?
The Red team finds one more on the beach and keeps searching there. The Yellow team doesn’t find any and neither does the Blue team.

The Red team:  
Kimberly: One more! We’ve got this Logan!

Logan: I think I’m going to check the forest again.
Kimberly: No, wait! We don’t have time! There’s not one in there! 
The Blue team:
Layne: Come on, Jackson!
Jackson: (To himself) It’s got to be in here! 
The Yellow team:
Casper: I found one!
Brittney: CAAASPER?!
The Yellow team finds another flag but the Blue team finds one as well. Jackson and Layne make it to their platform and win the challenge. They hug as the other teams make their way back to their platforms.
JD: Okay! Wow, what a mission! Blue team, you guys were all over the place. First ya’ll were in the forest then ya’ll searched on the beach then Jackson went back into the woods and found the last flag. It was pretty crazy.
Jackson: (Looking at Layne) Yeah, it was.
Layne smiles. 
JD: Well, like I said you now get the Ingenuity piece and the Karma piece and a good Samadhi. You can either give the Samadhi to yourself, to one of the other teams, or you can get rid of it all together. I’ll meet you back at the rock to hear your decision.
Jackson: We won!
Layne: I know! It’s awesome!
The Blue team places their pieces on their pole.
Layne: “It feels really good to be in the lead going into the final temple challenge. Plus we now have that Samadhi that’ll help us out. I think Jackson and I are going to be finalist!” 
Later, the Blue team is talking about the Samadhi.
Jackson: I guess we should just give it to ourselves.
Layne: Oh, yeah no doubt about it. I mean this is the final three. We need all the help we can get considering we aren’t the strongest nor do we have the best teamwork. 
Jackson: Well, we could just take I out of the game and make it all fair. 
Layne: You were always about making things fair.
Jackson: And you were always about winning.
Layne: Speaking of that I’m really sorry for the way I had started acting. I guess you were right; the competition really did get to my head.
Jackson: That’s alright.
Kimberly and Logan are talking by the swing.
Kimberly: What do you think they’ll do with the Samadhi?
Logan: They definitely won’t give it to someone else. They might take it out of the game. Jackson would want it to be fair.
Kimberly: But Layne would really want to win.
Logan: I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter.
Kimberly: I guess you’re right.

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Recommend  Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEmi106Sent: 7/23/2008 9:13 PM
Later, at the rock:
JD: Congratulations again, Blue team. You guys played a heck of a game and it really paid off. But before we hear your decision on the Samadhi, I couldn’t help but overhear you, Jackson, yell at Layne that you hated her during the game. What was that all about?
Jackson: I think everyone heard that.
Everyone laughs.
Jackson: Layne was really tense and stressed and nervous as you can imagine about being in the final three. I guess everything, the pressure of this game and what was at stake if we lost, was really weighing down on her; things were getting pretty heated and I just exploded.
JD: And Layne, what do you have to say about it?
Layne: Firstly, I’m sorry to the people I was rude to. You know who you are. And secondly, I think Jackson’s yelling at me really opened my eyes and made me realize that I was being a jerk. After that we just put our heads together and came up with a win. It made us a better team.
JD: Well I hope this new teamwork is enough to win it for you. Now, have you made a decision about what you’re going to do with the Samadhi?
Layne: Yes, we’re going to give it to ourselves. 
JD: Okay, come on up here and open it up.
Jackson breaks the Samadhi revealing a slip of paper with “30 Seconds” written on it.
JD: That means that you will have a thirty-second head start in tomorrow’s temple mission. Good luck, everyone. I’ll see you all at the challenge.
Layne: “It feels really good to have an advantage in the next mission. It makes me feel pretty sure that we’ll have a spot as a finalist.”
Kimberly: I was kind of shocked. I though that they’d want to make it fair in the last temple mission. But of course, it was their decision.” 
Next Time:
The final temple mission puts pressure on everyone (Shows Logan saying, “I don’t want to go home.”).
The challenge tests everyone’s limits (Shows the Yellow team running down the beach).
Plus, see who comes back from the Temple of Fate and becomes an Endurance finalist (Shows a shot of the Temple of Fate)!
Logan and Kimberly: Teamwork, Courage, Leadership, Commitment, Knowledge
Jackson and Layne: Friendship, Heart, Luck, Perseverance, Strength, Ingenuity, Karma
Casper and Brittney: Trust 
Sorry, I had to split it up
This episode was actually pretty funny!
What'd you think?

Recommend  Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKrisluvEndurance6Sent: 7/24/2008 6:06 PM
That was a really funny episode!! i liked it alot. You did a great job!Can't wait to see the next episode.

Recommend  Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEmi106Sent: 7/24/2008 7:51 PM
im working on it but it might take a while just because my family has to move my grandparents and my sister this week 
ill try to have it up soon though

Recommend  Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKrisluvEndurance6Sent: 7/25/2008 10:15 PM
Alrighty ill be waiting

Recommend  Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesnowyzemonkeySent: 7/26/2008 10:38 PM
It was awesome as usual. (:

I'm glad there are new episodes again, even if there are only a few left.

Go red! (:

Recommend  Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEndurance_Fan1Sent: 7/27/2008 2:26 AM
I love these episodes!
Especialy the part with the Tree and the Mold. That made me laugh so hard.
I really hope the advantage doesnt help Blue to much. I want Yellow to win. =D

Recommend  Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEmi106Sent: 8/13/2008 6:15 PM
im still working on episode 12, i've just had a lot to do plus volleyball and stuff
hopefully ill have it up soon 

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