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All-Star Stories : Endurance:Atlantic (Episode 4: Expect the Unexpected)
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From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIeza  (Original Message)Sent: 9/5/2008 12:55 AM
Endurance: Atlantic
Episode 4: Expect the Unexpected
(action) *interview* [confessional]

Last time on Endurance: Atlantic

The official teams of Endurance were finally determined. There’s the Orange team: Kyle and Tonya. Blue team: Greg and Bella. Green team: Ethan and Sandy. Red team: Kevin and Heather. Gray team: Dave and Kelly AnnPurple team: Brent and Sophia. And the Yellow Team: Walt and Grace. (flashes of all the teams posing on the rocks with the crashing waves in the back ground-zooms in on certain team as their names are said) Some teams overlooked their differences and really tried to commit to each other. (Brent and Sophia on the beach talking) Well others didn’t seem to making a effort at all. (Grace sitting alone on a bunkbed, Walt swinging on the porch swing next to Sandy) After the first pieces were handed out and the grand prize Belize trip was announced everyone felt the mood intensify. (Kyle with his serious game face on, team piece poles come into focus)    

Today the teams are faced with their first team mission. (Gray sitting back to back in the sand struggling to get up) And the mission isn’t the only challenge the teams will be faced with. (in a cabin-Brent looking offended/shocked and Bella crying) Who will pull together through the difficult circumstances? And whose team will fall apart for good? (Bella and Greg yelling at each other while holding a wooden plank) Find out here on Endurance: Atlantic. 
Theme song:
20 contestants (the kids climbing up the side of a rocky cliff)
12 challenges (girl in yellow catching a ball, 4 boys fighting over something in the sand)
1 ocean (girl falling in the water-AHH)
Endurance: Atlantic (crashing waves, logo)

Team Stats:
BLUE TEAM:         Greg&Bella           Commitment
GRAY TEAM:        Dave&Kelly Ann  Courage
GREEN TEAM:      Ethan&Sandy        Knowledge
ORANGE TEAM:   Kyle&Tonya         Luck  Leadership
PURPLE TEAM:    Brent&Sophia        Discipline
RED TEAM:           Kevin&Heather     Heart
YELLOW TEAM:   Walt&Grace          -----
*Walt*: Today there’s going to be our first mission as a team. I, for one, am very nervous because Grace and I aren’t getting along very well. And Grace is causing a lot of tension with the girls. So if we don’t win today I have a feeling we’ll be targeted.

[Brent]: Whoever wins today’s mission is gonna have such a hard time deciding. Everyone is friends here. And so after the samadhi or whatever is handed out...there’s gonna be a huge divide. It’ll be like three on three. Unofficial superteams basically.

JD: Hey guys come out to the porch for a few. (kids come out and sit down) So recap. You guys got here-to the Atlantic coast- two days ago. Then right away six were cut, leaving us with you fourteen kids. Then yesterday I told you that you’re getting paired into teams. And from what I heard there was a few tears and some drama around that. (Kyle: That’s a understatement.) Haha. But then after fate decided your teams things kinda took a turn for the better. Most of you seemed pretty happy with who you’re partnered with. (Grace rolls her eyes) Which brings us to today, Day 3. It’s your first Endurance mission. You’ll be playing for a pyramid piece and the all-important samadhi. This is a big one. It could shake up the entire outcome of this game. So I suggest you all get prepared mentally and physically. And I’ll see you down by the ocean in a few hours. (“bye JD”, Sandy biting her nails nervously, Walt rubbing his hands together nervously, everyone looking anxious and goes about their business)

(way down on the beach away from everyone else)

Greg: Okay this is far enough. I just don’t want to be overheard...that could hurt both of us.

Dave: Yeah. So we’re in this together. All the way to the end.

Greg: Final 2 dude. (high fives)

Dave: We can’t make it obvious though. Don’t spend like a lot of extra time with just me alone. Cus then the rest will suspect something and...

Greg: ...we’ll be a threat. And get sent to temple yeah. Got it. Make sure to tell Kelly Ann though. And I guess I have to tell Bella. Cus we don’t want to add anymore partner drama with like alliances behind their backs. But don’t tell anyone else.

Dave: So the deal is...1) no sending each other to temple 2) consult before decisions are made 3) no samadhis either. Deal?

Greg: Deal. (shake hands) So still thinking Orange for the samadhi today?

Dave: I don’t know. I want to handicap the strongest team. So depends how everyone does in the mission today.

Greg: Okay. Well we should probably go back. We don’t want suspicion.
[Greg]: So me and Dave made a alliance. I trust him and we get along real well. I hope Kelly Ann and Bella are cool with it. If they’re not...oh well. I don’t care. Me and Dave are tight and we’re sticking with it till the final 2.

(everyone sitting on in the loft and on bunks-Dave and Greg walk in)

Dave: Hey Kelly Ann. Do you want to go talk before the mission?

Kelly Ann: Sure. (following him out and back to the beach)

Dave: Listen I made a alliance with Blue team. (she raises her eyebrows) They won’t send us to temple or give us the samadhi no matter what. And we’re gonna run our decisions by them to make sure we don’t screw up. Okay?

Kelly Ann: Wow okay. Umm it’s only day 3. We barely know everyone. And we don’t know how strong each team is gonna be.

Dave: This isn’t about strength. It’s about trust. I know I can trust Greg. And Bella you said was nice so she won’t tell anyone about it.

Kelly Ann: Okay. Well...I’m fine with it.

Dave: You are? (she nods) Phew I thought you were mad at me for a second there. (almost laughing in relief)

Kelly Ann: (laughing) No, I’m not mad. But before you make any other alliances talk to me. And before I do, I’ll come find you. We gotta make sure there are no secrets between us. Cus when confusion happens it makes the team weaker. And we gotta do the best we can at everything. We have to push ourselves to win today. I don’t think anyone is planning on giving us the samadhi but we don’t want to take any changes ya know.

Dave: Yeah absolutely.

*Grace*: We all knew this mission was going to be important before JD got here. But I dunno hearing JD say just like... like made it seem bigger. Now everyone’s got their game faces on and were ready to compete. All the troubles with partners from before doesn’t even matter right now. Everyone is in it to win it.

(out on the beach for the mission-see weird contraption thingys)

JD: Welcome to your first Endurance mission. Like I said earlier you’ll be playing for power over the samadhi and a pyramid piece. The teamwork pyramid piece. (holding it up) Your ability to work together as a team is the main focus of this mission. So here’s how it works.

Each team has their own station. There is a 3-step staircase, a barrel suspended next to the top of the stairs, and 2 buckets on the ground. If you look closer you’ll see that the staircase is just the’s missing the actual steps-the planks that you need to climb to reach the barrel. Your job is to find 3 planks located around the beach and place them on the frame to finish the staircase.

Then take your buckets and fill them up with water from the ocean. Climb the 3 steps you built and dump the water into the barrel. After a few trips the barrel will be heavy enough. It’ll tip over and spill the water. First team to tip their barrel wins. (kids exchange glances- like thats it?)

Oh and more thing...(Kevin: Of course., kids laugh) and your partner will be tied together. You will sit back-to-back in the sand and your wrists will be tied to your partners. Your left wrist tied to their right wrist. And your right tied to their left. Don’t worry. You will still be able to carry the buckets and planks it’ll just take a lot of communication.

Everybody understand? (they nod, “yes”) Okay so get into position: back-to-back and we’ll tie you together.

Bella: (as she gets her wrists tied to Greg’s) Oh my God. This is gonna be hard.

-few minutes later-

JD: Okay. For the teamwork piece and control of the samadhi. Ready. Set. Go.

(teams struggling to stand up)

Sandy: (her and Ethan trying but having no luck, Orange gets up easily) Okay this isn’t working. Push against me. (Ethan pushes and her head gets smashed into her knees) OW hey not yet.

Ethan: Sorry. Ready. 1,2,3 (push against each other’s backs and unsteadily rise, get to their feet)

Sandy: Yes! Okay we need to find a plank. Dang it. There’s orange.

JD: Green and Purple are on their feet and Orange is halfway to their first plank already. Gray, Blue, and Yellow seem to be struggling.

Grace: (to Walt) Walt listen to me. Push against my back as hard as you can. And get your feet under you then we’ll stand up. Okay?

Walt: Yeah okay. Now. (both push except get off balance and fall sideways)

Grace: WALT!! Come on we can do this. Now! (try again and this time they get up)

Walt: Good job Grace. Let’s go, there’s a piece over there.

JD: Nice work all the teams are up and on the move. Orange has their first piece and running back to their station. (Tonya and Kyle running sideways over to their stairs, Red trying to pick up there first board, Green isn’t to far away from them)

Tonya: (panting a little) Okay put it in your left hand and put it on the side. here. (trying to put the plank carefully on the bottom step of the frame)

Kyle: Grrr I don’t get it. How are we gonna put...

Tonya: (interrupts) Shut up we can do it. NO negatives. Umm. Bring your left...I mean right arm over your head. (bring their arms over their heads-awkwardly twisting to face each other-and grab the other side of the board, and drop it easily into place)

Kyle: Good job. Good job. Hey let’s stay like this. It’s easier to run.

Tonya: (as they run to the second piece) We are so smart.

Kevin: (passes Orange on the way to their stairs) Heather, look at Orange. They twisted around. Let’s try that. (bringing one arm over their heads and facing each other).

Heather: Oh this is so much easier. (reaching their stair frame and putting the first plank in-literally sprinting to plank #2)

JD: Orange is trying a new strategy and it must be working. They’re going for their second plank. Red is right behind them. And so is Green. This is anyone’s game at this point.

(all the teams running around grabbing planks and putting them in, Orange and Red and Green and Gray and Yellow and Purple have twisted around to face their partners, Blue seems to be having difficulties)

Bella: Greg, we should turn around too. Look everyone else did. (they slowly squatting to pick up piece #2) Cus how are we gonna put our planks in our stairs. We’re in last place!!

Greg: Bella we’re fine. Just keep running.

(over to Orange’s station)

Tonya: Okay grab the buckets. Let’s go. We’re in first but Red is like so close.

Kyle: (they pick up the buckets easily- run to ocean) Crap. How did Green finish that so fast.

(flashes over to Green’s station-final plank was put in)

Sandy: Hurry. Hurry. Pick up that bucket. Let’s go. (run to ocean a few paces behind Orange)

Dave: We’re gonna have to sprint this. Come on. (just put third plank in, grabbing buckets)

JD: Orange, Red, and Green are filling up their buckets and running back. Purple is next in the water. And Gray is right on their tail. Yellow great job. They put their final plank in. Blue you guys are falling behind.

(Blue back with their final plank)

Bella: Greggggg. Come on just twist around.

Greg: NO. We don’t have time for that.

Bella: (trying to twist around but Greg is still holding on to a plank) What do you mean we don’t have time for that?! Do you want to lose? Drop the stinkin’ plank already!!

(Orange climbs stairs and pours in their buckets, Red and Green are dead even as they pour in theirs, Gray overtook Purple by a few steps but both teams are climbing the stairs, Yellow is starting to slow down a bit, Blue is still arguing and making no progress)

Grace: (coming back with their first water buckets) Walt I’m sorry. We can’t win.
Walt: Yeah I know. Let’s just fill it up with this water.

Grace: Okay.

JD: Yellow team is walking back to their stairs. They seemed to have given up. Blue needs a miracle right now to come back to win. It looks as though its going to be Orange, Red, or Green that win this. Purple and Gray are mighty close too though.

(kids all panting and sweating as they run down to the water again, Orange then Red and Green then Gray then Purple, Yellow is walking up the stairs, Blue...still arguing)

Grace: (stopped at bottom of stairs) Walt I’m sorry. I should of talked to you more. I mean we’re partners and...

Walt: (sitting on bottom step) Yeah. I shoulda made a effort too, so don’t blame yourself. I think we may be getting the samadhi though. (Grace nods)

(Orange dumps buckets, Green pulling ahead a little bit from Red, Gray then Purple dump buckets)

JD: It looks like one or two more trips will be enough for all teams. Yellow has given up completely and Blue isn’t even speaking to each other anymore.
: (sprinting to water, really out of breath) Push (breath) it. (breath) Tonya.

(Kevin and Heather are dead even with Ethan and Sandy but Orange is still ahead)

Ethan: (panting, filling up bucket) We can’t (breath) get second.

Sandy: (gasping for breath) I know.

(Orange, Green, and Red sprinting up the beach to their stairs...when Sandy trips, water spills a little out of both buckets and Red passes them)

Sandy: (keeps running) I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Ethan: Just move. Come on.

(Orange up stairs and dumping water in, Red dumping water in milliseconds later, and Green like 3 seconds later, Gray and Purple are tied again-both running up the beach almost to the stairs)

JD: Will it be enough? Who’s bucket will tip over first?

(Orange’s barrel wobbles a little, Green’s doesn’t flip, but Red’s tips completely upside-down and spills all the water)

(Kevin and Heather rip the ties off their wrists and jump of the stairs, hugging and jumping up and down)

Heather: Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Oh my GOSH!!

Kevin: HA!! Whoa! How did we even...

Heather: I know!! AHH!! Oh my gosh!!

(flashes over to Orange, Tonya stands on the top step with her hands on her head catching her breath, Kyle chucks bucket off the stairs and kicks the barrel)

(flashes over to Green who’s sitting on the stairs, Sandy’s crying, Ethan is patting her on the back but looks completely defeated)

JD: Congrats red team. You guys did it. Unbelievable. Orange dumped their third buckets first, but red. You guys musta filled yours up more in the ocean, cus you did won. It flipped over first. Come on over here you two. You and the Orange team are tied in the lead with two pieces each. (hands them the Teamwork piece and the samadhi, Heather and Kevin smiling) Now break open that samadhi. (everyone has confused faces)

Heather: What? Break it open now?

JD: Yep, right here.

Kevin: Us?

JD: Yep. (kids exchange bewildered stares, Kevin smashes it against Purple’s stairs, and pulls out a oyster shell)

Kevin: Umm...

JD: Open that too.

Kevin: Oh. (opens the shell and finds a piece of paper)

JD: Why don’t you describe what’s on it.

Kevin: It’s four stick people umm 2 with dresses and 2 without. Theres arrows connecting the 2 with dresses and that’s it. Oh my gosh. No way... (smacks himself in the forehead) this is switching the partners of two teams. So this is a team swap samadhi.

JD: You are smart. Yes that’s what it is. You and Heather will be deciding which to 2 teams will swap partners.

(Bella looks excited and Sandy crys again, everyone looks stunned)

Heather: (jaw dropped) No way.

JD: Yes way. You have all day to decide. I’ll meet you later by the rocks to hear your decision. And taking it out of the game is not a option. (as Kevin opens his mouth, he closes it again)

(at the piece poles- Red hanging up their Teamwork piece above their Heart piece)

[Kevin and Heather]: (empty confessional, then Red team jumps inside with hands like guns) Kevin: Stealth attack by the Red team. Heather: Watch out. You don’t know when we’re gonna strike next. (sit down-normal) But seriously. Kevin: Yeah seriously. We just beat out Orange by like half a bucket. No one saw it coming. Heather: Domination baby. It was incredible. But now we gotta go. And decide who will be the team switch uhh... Kevin: The team switch victims. Heather: Yeah. It’s gonna be hard. Cus everyone is already telling us their opinions. But whatever. Kevin: We won. It’s all worth it. Heather: Yepp.

(in the girls cabin-Heather, Kevin, Tonya, Brent, Kyle, Bella)

Bella: Do you guys have any idea of who you’re gonna switch?

Heather: No, not yet.

Kyle: (laughing) Would you even tell us if you did?

Heather: (in mysterious flirty voice) Maybe...

Tonya: If Orange woulda won we woulda switched Gray and Yellow.

Kyle: Or Yellow and Pur (Tonya elbows him)...OW. What was that...oh (noticing Brent was in there).

Brent: (looking offended, glances at Tonya) You woulda switched me? Why? What did I ever do to you?

Kyle: (glances at Tonya too) No it woulda been a good switch cus you woulda got Grace.

Brent: Okay yeah sure. (not believing)

Bella: Guys relax Orange didn’t win. Red did. So I think you should switch me to someone’s team. Not yellow but anyone else. Did you hear Greg at the challenge today?

Heather: No what was he saying?

Bella: He wouldn’t listen to me. I said to flip around like all you did. And he’s like that’s a waste of time. And then we started arguing. And he’s like you were the last person I wanted on my team. Cus you’re so annoying. You don’t listen you only care about yourself. I’m like what the heck buddy. I’m on your team. I care about our team. I want to win. He’s like so do I but I can’t since you’re on my team.

Tonya: Oh man. That’s ridiculous.

Bella: Heather. Kevin. Please please switch me. This is exactly what I need. I can’t deal with Greg anymore. He thinks he’s above my level. Please!!! I’m begging you. I’ll do anything.

Heather: We’ll see. There’s a lot of different options ya know. So come on Kevin. Let’s go figure this out. (them two leave cabin)

Brent: (rounds on Tonya) So why would you switch me and Yellow? I want the truth.

Tonya: Because...(looks at Kyle for help, he just looks down) because...some people are upset with Sophia. And I want you to go far in this game. What will I do if you leave because of Sophia?

Brent: (blushes a little) Oh.

(Kyle and Bella exchange smirking glances)

*Bella*: Tonya is brilliant. She totally pulled that out of the air. And he believed her!! She’s gonna have him wrapped around her finger. Which will be good for me too. Since me and Tonya are best friends here.

(Heather and Kevin talking on the beach)

Kevin: We don’t want to cause huge drama with this.

Heather: Yeah but do you really want to switch a weak team. This is our chance to really shake things up. And like make a strong team suffer. What about Orange?

Kevin: No that would be a waste, Tonya and Kyle are strong people individually. Their new team would be just as strong. Plus they would both hate us.

Heather: (laughing) Always fun. Okay so not Orange. Let’s just go down the poles. (glances at piece poles-Blue, Gray, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow) What about Blue? Bella really wants to be switched. But I don’t know.

Kevin: Yeah. We could always switch Blue with Gray. That would cause the least drama. Dave and Greg are good friends so they probably wouldn’t mind. But we kinda need Blue to be a weak team. We know we can beat them every time.

Heather: Man. This is so hard. What about Green? They are a strong team. But they’re kinda like Orange.

Kevin: Strong individually yeah. What about purple? What if we did switch Purple and Yellow?

Heather: We could yeah. Cus then Walt and Sophia wouldn’t be a strong team. Sophia’s a little devious. And poor Walt. He’s just not very open. So if we put them on the same team we could get rid of them together.

Kevin: Yeah and then we’d have Brent and Grace. They would be a pretty good team I think. Grace will be strong in challenges if she has a good partner and Brent is pretty competitive too. He was close behind us and Green today remember?

Heather: Mhmm. But I think that wouldn’t cause much drama. We could either switch Blue and Gray. That would make Bella happy and then she’d do anything for us. And I don’t think Dave and Greg would take revenge or anything. Or we could switch Purple...

Kevin: And Yellow yeah. That would make Sophia really mad. But come on she’s with Walt and she doesn’t have any really good friends. So she can’t do anything to us. And Grace would be happy I think. Brent wouldn’t care. He’s a pretty chill guy. Maybe he would. I don’t know.

Heather: What about Tonya? Would she be mad that we switched Brent. I heard they have a little thing going on.

Kevin: Ohhh. I didn’t even think about that. Great.

Heather: Anddd everyone loves Kelly Ann and Dave. Would they all be mad if we broke them up?

Kevin: No. I don’t think so...I hope not...(shrugs) I don’t know. What about Yellow and Blue? They are both having issues with their partners.

Heather: But Bella doesn’t want Walt.

Kevin: She doesn’t want Greg either. I don’t know. I think Purple and Yellow is the best choice...maybe...

Heather: Ugh. This is annoying. Back and forth. There’s no easy way out of this. I guess we could always switch ourselves with some one...

Kevin: We could yeah. (digging around in the sand)

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 Message 2 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/5/2008 12:55 AM
(over to the porch swing where Sandy and Kelly Ann are talking)

Sandy: I have a bad feeliing about this. We finished right behind them today. Did you see it? (Kelly Ann nods) And I know they won’t switch Orange. They’re smarter than that. But they might switch Green.

Kelly Ann: Maybe you never know. I bet they switch my team. They know I’m not strong enough to take revenge.

Sandy: I don’t think you would even if you were the strongest team here. You’re just not that kind of person.

Kelly Ann: (smiles a little) True. I think the only teams safe from the switch are Red and Orange and Yellow.

Sandy: Yellow is safe? Why?

Kelly Ann: Cus they are the weakest team. No one would want to mess up a weak team.

(Ethan walks over and sits down)

Ethan: I think it’s gonna be us, Sandy. (she nods)

Sandy: We were just saying that. Promise that if we get switched you won’t tell anyone our plans.

Ethan: Well I’d have to tell my new partner.

Sandy: What?! Why?

Ethan: Cus she’d be my teammate and you can’t have secrets within your team.

Sandy: But...fine. Would you send my team to temple?

Ethan: Not unless I have to.

Sandy: You’d send me to temple?!

Kelly Ann: Sandy. Girlie, Calm down. You might not get switched and then you’ll get all worked up for nothing.

Sandy: (deep breath) Yeah. You’re right. I’m overreacting. Sorry Ethan.

Ethan: (hugs her shoulders) Is kay. I really don’t want to be switched. We make a great team.

Kelly Ann: I just want to find out right now. My stomach is in knots.

(flashes out to the ocean waves then switches over to a different part of the beach where contestants are climbing over some rocks)

*Sophia*: (just her voice-watching the contestants coming in to take a seat on the rocks in front of JD) I didn’t try to talk to Heather and Kevin today. I don’t want to bug them like everyone else. I wouldn’t mind getting switched to like green or orange but...if I get switched to yellow or something. Ohh-ho baby. The whole world is gonna hear me screaming at Red team.

JD: (when all teams are sitting down) Welcome everyone to this season’s rendezvous. We’ll come here every time there’s a decision to be revealed. What a day huh? (“Yeah”) The mission was crazy close. One of the closest races I’ve ever seen. Everyone was working great as teams and you all pushed yourselves out there. All the way to the end of the game. Except two teams. Yellow, I noticed you guys pretty much quit out there. You sat down in the middle of a mission. Completely gave up. That has never happened in a mission before. Ever. Was this some kind of strategy?

Grace: Well, not really. We tried really hard at the beginning. But we’ve been having issues in our partnership from the beginning. It just caught up with us and we couldn’t work together good enough. We started to fall out of the competition. And I know I was getting frustrated.

Walt: Yes. I was too. So we both decided to sit it out and talk instead. There was no way we could have won this mission once we were behind like that. We talked out our issues. And I think we’re a stronger and closer team now. We’ve got more of a bond than we did before the mission.

Grace: For sure. Not perfect but we’re getting there. I’m glad we sat out.

JD: Well that’s a first too. I’m glad to hear that you guys are becoming a unified team. Which brings me over to Blue. At the mission you guys got about 2 minutes into the game and I look over and you’re fighting. What was that about and have you got past it?

Bella: (glances over at Greg who’s looking down) Umm. At first it was about the way we wanted to put the planks in. I wanted to turn around and face each other like the other teams did. But Greg thought it was a waste of time. Then we got caught up in drama. He says I’m a burden. That he could win this season if he didn’t have me as a partner. And yeah...(almost in tears)

Greg: She’s holding me back and she needed to know that. (Bella crying) I know the mission wasn’t the time or place to do it. But I was so stressed out and had been holding that in me for so long. It just happened. And we haven’t talked since then.

Bella: You’ve never given me a chance. At all. (sniff) This was our first mission together. I don’t think we were doing a bad job. We were right in it with Yellow and Purple and (sniff) Gray. And...and I was trying to prove to you that I’m a good competitor and stuff. But you didn’t even care. You just judged me before it started and that’s why we lost. Because of you. Not me.

(Tonya patting her on the back comfortingly)

Greg: Whatever dude. I’m so done.

(silence except for Bella crying)

JD: Wow. I see. Sounds like one partnership is fixed and another is broken. One thing I can tell you Blue is that you may not have to be a team anymore. It all depends...on what the Red team, the winners today, have decided to do with the team switch samadhi. Heather, Kevin you want to reveal who you’ve chosen to switch now.

Heather: Sure. Umm this was obviously a really hard choice. We took almost all day deciding this. We didn’t want to hurt anyone. And we hope that the two teams will understand. Okay we decided to say it. I’m scared.

(kids all exchange worried glances)
Kevin: Okay. We decided to switch Greg to the Yellow team.

(over to Bella’s reaction-her reaching back and hugging Kevin)

Bella: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

(Grace and Walt looking a little sad, Greg smiling and hugging Heather)

Greg: I owe you one dude. (to Kevin)

JD: Alright that means that Greg, you are now part of the Yellow team with Grace. And Walt you are switching over to Blue with Bella. I know she’s very excited about this and so is Greg. How do you feel Walt?

Walt: Well I’m pretty upset that I’m switched. Cus Grace and I were just starting to get along. I wanted to try out our partnership at the next mission. I know we would have done well.

Grace: Yeah me too. Walt is a great guy. And I’m sorry that I missed out. I know
Bella will have a great partnership with him. Good luck Walt. (as Walt and Greg switch spots)

JD: So now that that’s all taken care of there’s nothing left to do here. Tomorrow will be the next mission. I’ll tell you it’s a Temple mission. Which means that by this time tomorrow two teams will be heading up to the Temple of Fate and the first team will be sent home. Bye everyone. Have a good night sleep. Get to know your new teammates Blue and Yellow. And I’ll see you tomorrow at the mission.

[Grace]: I didn’t want to say this in front of Walt but WOOO!! I got Greg!! He was my first choice for partners. And I finally got him. I still feel bad that me and Walt only played one mission together. I think we coulda totally owned at tomorrows mission. And I’m actually really shocked that Red switched us. Oh well. Gotta learn to expect the unexpected in this game. And by the way I predict the new Blue team will not do very good tomorrow in the mission.
Team stats:
BLUE TEAM:         Walt&Bella           Commitment
GRAY TEAM:        Dave&Kelly Ann  Courage
GREEN TEAM:      Ethan&Sandy        Knowledge
ORANGE TEAM:   Kyle&Tonya         Luck  Leadership
PURPLE TEAM:    Brent&Sophia        Discipline
RED TEAM:           Kevin&Heather     Heart  Teamwork
YELLOW TEAM:   Greg&Grace          -----

 Message 3 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/5/2008 12:57 AM
this is a long one lol but really good (i think). comments are welcome!! thanks for reading
<3 Shaylene

 Message 4 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSqUiRt17365Sent: 9/5/2008 1:17 AM
Looks like a good episode! I haven't read it yet but I will either tonight or tomorrow! I'm just really busy... But if it's like your other episodes it will be GREAT!

 Message 5 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/5/2008 1:26 AM
lol thanks

 Message 6 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCruise_meerkat_YoussySent: 9/6/2008 12:30 AM
It was so awesome..My fave is still Gray. XD

 Message 7 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/6/2008 6:34 PM
aww thanks.
guess what. in my creative writing class we're going to have to write screen plays (like movie scripts) and i think i could use this series    =D

 Message 8 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKrisluvEndurance6Sent: 9/8/2008 5:31 PM
Im Luvin it!!! You Should TOtally Use this series for ur writing class!!! it would be awesome let us kno what grade u get!

 Message 9 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/8/2008 9:45 PM
= D
i sure will. it wont be till second semester i believe.

 Message 10 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSqUiRt17365Sent: 9/13/2008 1:17 AM
Wow! Amazing episode! I love it! I love the team switch mission! It was interesting...
Favourite Team: Gray
Least Favourite Team: Red
Team I don't care to much about: Yellow
Who I think Should Leave Next Red:
Strongest: Red xD

 Message 11 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/13/2008 1:47 AM
lol red team.
oh btw i have to give credit to a certain someone. my brother sean. he has helped me come up with missions for the next couple episodes. *round of applause* so they're pretty awesome. i want to play them lol.

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