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Last time on Endurance,the final 3 From all 5 seasons came together to make Endurance:All-stars!They had a twist to get to a boat two miles away with only $40,their bags,partner,friends,and map!Who will make it?
Confessional: Christian(E1 red):The first mission was a big surprise!But I got my yellow and blue teams to help me out!
E1: The contestents start runnung and talking to decide how th Jonna:Ok so we need to go to Trust Dock! Ashley:Wow that's long!Mabe we should go by taxi. Jon:A taxi that fits 6?! Aaron:I think the train would be the best! Christian:So train? All:Yes! Sabrina:But where's the best train station? Jonna:By best you must mean fastest!And according to the map,it's about a block from here! The team rushes over as fast as possible and gets tickets. Aaron:Will this line ever end? Jon:We should have gone on seperate cabs! Ashley:At least it's almost our turn. Man:Go on in young men and women.Wait!You two in the blue shirts stop! Aaron:Yes sir,what's the problem? Man:The train is over-loaded!!Either wait for the next one or go on a taxi cab!!!Good day to you son!Oh and you madam! And the man left with the train.Frustrated,the blue team pushes to the crowd of people and find a cab! An old woman in a Canadian accent drives the cab around the neighborhood. Woman:Good afternoon to you children.Where'd you like to go,ay? Jonna:Trust dock!!Hurry! Woman:I think I know where that is..let's see there's Trust Barge next to that old Irish pub,Trust lake by that old fishing store,and Trust Mountain next to that- Jonna:Excuse me but we're kinda on a rush ,so if you could just drive us to Trust DOCK!! Woman:Well ok young lady.Off we go then. But the traffic was worse than the train! Meanwhile back on the train,The red and yellow teams think the train ride might take to long and take an early exit and ride a taxi together to an unfamiliar place that was not on the map,but little do they know that the chance of becoming Endurance all-stars is staring them in the face!
E3: Chris:Ok so since were only four,I think we can squeeze a cab over to the dock.But it has to be a good driver. Monroe:Hey,what about us?! Lindi:Let's keep to a minimum amount of people.Bye,Bye!
Demian:Ok.Let's get the cab!*he whistles loudly and a cab appears in front of the two teams* Nichole:Woah,I never knew you had it in you... The teams squeeze into the cab leaving Yellow alone!
What will happen to E1?Will they get reunited in time? And what about yellow?Will they be left to win on their own like last time?What will Grey and Orange face?And what about E4,E5,and E2?Find out next time on Endurance:All-Stars!!
Preview: Confessional: Bryanah(E3 yellow):Since Grey and Orange practicly hated us,we were left alone and seemed hopeless until we saw our only hope......Connor!Oh my god I love this kid and I loved his Monroe!Almost like the real one! |
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it is rilly cool cindof like a Amazing race/Endurance tv show i like it ceep it cooming |
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