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Last time on Endurance:All stars...... E1 alliance was split up when a train that yellow and red was over loaded
E3 Orange and Grey tossed aside Yellow while they cought a cab
Will they get back together?Will they be left to fend for themselves?FIND OUT TODAY ON Endurance:All stars!
E3 Yellow and E5 Blue and Purple- Brianah:What are we going to do Monroe? Monroe:Bri I'll find a way.Hey look there's E5!Let's see if they can help us! Yellow runs over to E5 Purple and Blue Bri:Hey guys our season sort of abandoned us... Monroe:So can you help us? Dakota:Sure! Taylor:Just stay clear of E5 Green! Bri:Sure thanks so much! Connor:ok guys we need to get to that dock! Kelsey:Right.Now I think since this place is crowded,taking a bus or a cab may not do us good..... Dakota:And we can't walk..... Monroe:So let's take a..... All:SUBWAY!! The gang runs to the nearest subway which is about 2 blocks away.The subway is almost empty except for a few people. Man:Hello there young people!Would You like to buy a few tickets?(please) Dakota:yes sir when does the next bus come? Man:In 30 mins. Connor:30 MINUTES?! Man:It may come late but it'll get you there in under 10 mins guarantied! Taylor:It's better than sitting in Traffic for an hour or maybe even more! Dakota:6 tickets to trust dock! Man:Right away youngsters! The 3 teams sit on a long wooden bench that was obviously old because it was peeling. Connor:While we're here we might as well discuss our plan. Monroe:I WANT GREY AND ORANGE OUT!! All:.............................. Dakota:Well that was uncalled for! Bri:I'll explain... Yellow team explained all the troubles that happened on E3. Connor:Wow..I didn't know that Dakota:Me neither.We'll help you guys!
Connfesional- Briana:The E5ers are being really nice.I hope this works out!
Kelsey:What we do know is that we don't know anyone from E1 E2 or E4. Taylor:So let's stay clear of them. Monroe:I wonder what the other teams are doing right now.... Just then they heard the sound of the subway as it pulled up letting a few people off.........
E4- Franke:Hey guys let's go Issac:Wo!Where to? Franke:My Aunt Brought me here last summer and we went to THE EXACT DOCK! Jon:Woah how Ironic! Franke:Yeah and since my Aunt is from here she showed me the FASTEST way to get to the dock! Daniela:So how do we get there? Franke:Ummmmm Jeszie:Oh gosh don't tell us you forgot. Franke:No no...Oh right behind these buildings... Jon:Wait that can't be right! Daniela:Why? Jon:because it's too close... Franke:Of course it's close.It's a short cut.It's less than half of what Jd said. Issac:Let's go then! The teams head out between a few buildings and over a few small fences!(Which was perfectly legal considering it was an allie)Until they saw a large bay........AND A DOCK!! Jeszie:There it is!!! Erica:And that's the boat! Jon:Hurry! The teams run down to the ship. JD:Hey guys!!Your here!Your on your way to winning Endurance All Stars!Now All I need are you tickets! Issac:Tickets? JD:uh oh!i can't let you on without them.Sorry Guys... The teams franticly look on the floor and backtrack. Daniela:I FOUND ONE!! she took out a paper rectangle from her backpack! JD:Yes they're all in you bags! Squeals of excitment arise as the rest of the teens find tickets in their bags. JD:Congratulations teams!You've all become OFFICIAL Endurance All Starers! And with that they went on board the ship with smiles across their faces.
What about the other teams?What will Happen?Find out next time on Endurance:All stars!
Next time on Endurance:All stars: Jonna:Please Tell me we're not lost! Chris:We have to split up.... Max:We're almost there!
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This story is a great idea! Very original yet with the people who were actually on the show. I love it! I'm definitely rooting for all of the E1 and E5 teams, Green & Brown from E2, and Grey from E3...probably other teams, but they're my faaaavorites! :-) Really, REALLY hope E1 Red makes it! lol. |
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This is pretty original! I'm rooting for E3 Yellow, E5 Purple and Blue, and E1 Red. E3 Grey, E3 Orange, and E5 Green must go, ha! You know, as a twist, much later in the game, you should add the final 3 E6 teams, once they're revealed, I mean. Are there going to ve eliminations in this? |
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Awesome! Glad you picked it up again, Chris! |
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Thanks guys!I have who makes the boat already!There will be eliminations!AND There will be an E6 twist with 3 teams....just wait and see......
I'll try to do more next week if you want! |
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hey this is an awesome story. you guys should read mine too, it's the ENDRUANCE CHINA series, and it's taken me a while to write, so could u read them and give me feedback, thanks so much guys! this really is an awesome story, keep going with it! |
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