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10/17/2007 2:25 AM  Posted by MSN NicknameEnduranceFanChris
Hey guys ,it's Chris !Luckily,I was able to see the premier so I can now blog .I hope nobody gets offended in any way. This is just the opinion of some 12 year old kid. Ok so time for the episode: This episode was SO full of excitement! Unfortunately, I was spoiled by the DK web site 2 days before the premier.(Boo!) Even though I knew who would be eliminated, there was some things I was surprised about. (Yay!)First off I love the new cabins.Too bad only 12 players can sleep in them. The cast is cool.The location is amazing! Of course,you all know this, already.So we all know that overall this will be an amazing season,no doubt! I agree with Connor about the RTS looking pretty easy,but since we weren't there,we can't really say how easy it was.I could see though that everybody wanted to be there. And I loved the quotes .Especially from Connor :"This water is really pretty but I don't wanna go in it right now," "I love you rope.". Here's what I think about the people that are playing this game so far. Briana-She seems to be a very tough girl.She also looks nice after seeing her comfort Cinnamon .I know you all are thinking "what about the next episode".We'll get there later.With a good partner ,she may very well go far. I'm rooting for her. Andres-Andres is a very nice, cool guy and I know from actually talking to him.Also he and I are from Texas so I was definitely rooting for him. It was really sad when he left.It felt like everybody was sad when he fell.If he stayed he would have gone really far. Cinnamon-The little girl who can Tae Kwan Do you if you're not careful.As a young person,I was rooting for her since many 12/13 year olds aren't on much. She seemed really nice encouraging the other girls.Even though I knew that she would leave I was still surprised when she fell. She seemed really,really disappointed at the end.Even though she said somethings you can't do,she was wrong because she was on the greatest show ever! I would have loved to see her stay longer. Ben-Seems like a really nice guy.He'll get along easily with people.He seems really athletic and smart and that will get him REALLY far.I'm rooting for him since he's from the EoDK boards (I'm rooting for all EoDKers out there) .I think he'll be the E5 connor of this season ; ). Hannah-She'll get along great with everyone and she got through the RTS easily. I think she'll go pretty far .If she's on the red team I think she'll be a force to reckon with.She'll shine more as the season goes on. Caleb-I totally agree with Jay word-for-word.He did well in the RTS and will go far in the game. Though he might hit a roadblock when mental challenges come, overall I think he'll be the top dog on the physical ones.(Bark,Bark! haha) Jackie-As with Andres,I've talked to her and she is so nice.She and Grahm were supposed to be the E7 green team,but Jackie is on E6 .I know she will fight hard for the green team and Grahm.She is so cool with being the first chinese person on Endurance.With the mix of determination and knowledge, she'll go really far and that's why I'm rooting for her! Connor-Again from Texas so Woot,woot for him! He seems REALLY smart.He and E5 Connor are gonna be tied for best E6 player ever.Connor seems nice and his smartness along with his kindness will get him far! That's about it for today. Tomorrow,I promise I'll do the rest!Now the the next time on E6! Next time:Everyone is saying how Briana looks mean this season.She is just saying she doesn't want Kyle.Taylor did that when she didn't want Garrret and her team ended up being the most popular team on E5!!Don't bash on Bri cause she may just be portrayed like that but really isn't.Like Cealey.In the end everyone will like their partners! I can't wait til Saturday! Thanks for reading!!If you have any suggestions and/or comments, post them here: (Note:The only thing that bugged me was the overuse of commercials) I'm sorry this is all blotchy!I can't do it any other way!

11/26/2007 10:26 PM  Posted by MSN NicknameEnduranceFanChris
Since this already aired,I'll say what i thought when it came out.It won't be biased by what happens later.
The game was cool.Mental.Of course the smart team Purple Connor won.There was drama which is always good.I don't get though how they chose their partners right away.I noticed that people messed up with purple/blue.I don't blame them.They looked the same.Briana may look like a villain but I just think she was saying what was in her mind.I mean put yourself in her shoes.She didn't know Kyle very much.She even said "NO OFFENCE".So she's cool with me.JD is becoming more.......what's the word........into the kids in a way.When JD passed out the pieces,he said friendship could carry you to the very end.He was referring to E5 green team.He doesn't buy Briana's homesick stuff.Now I'll put the teams in order from what I think are the strongest to the weakest.
Purple-Connor won the partner mission and they knew what to do;friends with what seems Green,red,and orange
Green-Have a great friendship seem to be strong;friends with red and orange
Orange-They were standing by diffrent partners but I think they will do good;friends with red and green.
Red-They were standing by diffrent partners but I think they'll do good;friends with Orange and Green
Blue-They seem like VERY good friends.they don't seem to have any though.We'll just see.
Yellow-It could be another E3 orange with out most of the drama.I think they used to be frinds with red and orange
So that's it.Next week the magic box may be coooooool or B-O-R-I-N-G........Next time on Endurance Fiji!!!!