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11/26/2007 10:26 PM  Posted by MSN NicknameEnduranceFanChris
Since this already aired,I'll say what i thought when it came out.It won't be biased by what happens later.
The game was cool.Mental.Of course the smart team Purple Connor won.There was drama which is always good.I don't get though how they chose their partners right away.I noticed that people messed up with purple/blue.I don't blame them.They looked the same.Briana may look like a villain but I just think she was saying what was in her mind.I mean put yourself in her shoes.She didn't know Kyle very much.She even said "NO OFFENCE".So she's cool with me.JD is becoming more.......what's the word........into the kids in a way.When JD passed out the pieces,he said friendship could carry you to the very end.He was referring to E5 green team.He doesn't buy Briana's homesick stuff.Now I'll put the teams in order from what I think are the strongest to the weakest.
Purple-Connor won the partner mission and they knew what to do;friends with what seems Green,red,and orange
Green-Have a great friendship seem to be strong;friends with red and orange
Orange-They were standing by diffrent partners but I think they will do good;friends with red and green.
Red-They were standing by diffrent partners but I think they'll do good;friends with Orange and Green
Blue-They seem like VERY good friends.they don't seem to have any though.We'll just see.
Yellow-It could be another E3 orange with out most of the drama.I think they used to be frinds with red and orange
So that's it.Next week the magic box may be coooooool or B-O-R-I-N-G........Next time on Endurance Fiji!!!!