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Caption Board : new caption contest :]
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAndreuh1793  (Original Message)Sent: 3/5/2007 6:37 PM
ok, so these pictures were cute, I thought, so I decided to have a caption contest based off of these :]
you can either do one of them or both, just type which picture you are captioning for then write you caption.
Nothing bad though, ok?
and gooo.
 Cealey's%20Pictures%20From%20Maine%20Trip%20059.jpg   Cealey's%20Pictures%20From%20Maine%20Trip%20057.jpg  

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAndreuh1793Sent: 3/5/2007 6:42 PM

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEndurance_Fan1Sent: 3/5/2007 10:36 PM
First picture:
Alex-Cealey??? What are you doing!?
Cealey-Nothing *hehe*
Second Picture:
Alex-You took my food!!!
Cealey-So its mine now
Alex-Split it!!!
*Cealey coughs on food*
Cealey-Do you want it now???

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSpecialKBoy000Sent: 3/6/2007 5:37 PM
for the 1st picture-
i cant think of anything for Cealey, looks like shes stretching, but for Alex..
oh look a penny with the head facing up, thats good luck, look Cealey more good luck for us.

for the 2nd picture-
Alex- do you like seasfood
Cealey- haha noo
Alex- seee food!!

ok that last one was lame but thats what came to mind when i saw the picture.

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameHAILEYtheSTARSent: 3/8/2007 12:15 AM
Okay, this is for the second picture when they are in the restaurant:
*Cealey is feeding Alex tater tots*
Alex: these are pretty go-
*his face goes all red and he starts gasping*
Alex: Cealey!  What did you put on those?! They're like a million degrees!!!
Cealey: Nothing... *hides a Super Super Hot Hot Sauce Sauce bottle behind her back*
Just for the record, I once did see a bottle of hot sauce with that name once!

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAndreuh1793Sent: 3/8/2007 12:49 AM
haha those are all great :]

I will be posting one once we get enough so people can vote for your captions.

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOrangeteam90Sent: 3/8/2007 2:24 AM
1st Picture:
Cealey: Alex, can you pick up the penny I just dropped?
Alex: Sure
(Bends Down)
Cealey: Oh, a camera! Take my picture! (Poses)
(Camera takes picture)
Taylor: (After looking at photo) I am not suprised by this.
2nd Picture:
Cealey: Hey Alex!
Alex: Yeah...
(Cealey puts fries in Alex's mouth. Alex chokes for a sec)
Alex: -cough- What the heck? CEALEY!
Cealey: Haha! You look constipated!
Dakota: Whatever.

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