 | | From:  fanofE2 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/13/2007 6:46 AM |
On the "Where Are They Now?" videos, that looks nothing like you. Of course you're several years older in that, and a few contestants have changed their looks, but woah. I'm not saying it's bad or good, but i'm just saying... ya know?
That article says : “We actually had a chance to play the games, that was neat,” Keetin said.
Does that mean that you got to play the games for fun after the taping?? That must have been cool.
The "OMG" shocked-face you had when JD announced the return of Max & Jenna was awesome. I know it must have stunk to hear the news when you were there, but watching on TV (even many years later) is still one of the greatest all-time moments.
Finally, Oh Great Keet Of The Green Samadhi (do YOU have a better nickname?? pbbbt), what exactly is your AIM SN? |
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