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I seriously don't get why people dislike Cealey soooo much! I mean what did she do? Sure she coulda been a little bit nicer to Taylor, but It's not like she lied or anything! |
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Actually Cealey did lie, to JD. She told him she didnt call Taylor a cheater when in fact she did, many times as a matter of fact. And she and Alex pulled that whole "were gonna get switched" show at the ridge. So umm yeah. Strike 3 she's out. |
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so umn.... how does this affect your life? I mean same with me, I just think she deserves a second chance. |
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Look. I admit that Cealey wasn't my FAVORITE player, but hey. You can't change people's views on things. All they need to realize is, is that Endurance is very.... well ......enduring. Even for the fans. We all had to "endure" the fact that green won. The final Temple was all about luck, pretty much. Green seemed to have plenty of that throughout the whole game. Therefore they won. Just my thoughts... |
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well just to let you all know, I LOVE CEALEY! and i dont really understand why evenyone goes off hating her? she is an amazing person! and plus if you think about green did do a few things to get them to the final 2. they did win missons when they really needed too, they helped with the partner switching plan, and her and alex just happened to make friends with the right teams. i think they had much right to winning as purple. also there was alot of things that happened that they didnt show. they make people look like totally different people. for example, me. they made me look like i am some quit and shy person, and i am not that at all...that is rediculous, not even close. and Cealey is not that mean as they make her out to be, not at all. but i mean, you cant get mad at her for speaking her mind... i mean i wasnt there when alot of things happened... you never know what could have happened before that.. none of you can just hate Cealey because of what she said to taylor. havent you ever thought that taylor could have said something to cealey as well? that they didnt show?...no offence Taylor.. you no i love you, but i am just trying to make a point. i think that is crazy how some of you people just judge her for what they put on the show, yall dont even know her.... thas just my opinion though. |
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Kristine, you are amazing, just the way you present yourself. I am a huge fan of yours to, but there wans't enough room to put your name on my nickname, but you're still awesome! Will u reply to yur e-mail's soon, i sent u one! |
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agreed with Cealeys biggest fan. i loved you on the show Kristine! you're right, Cealey shouldn't be hated so much. she was a strong player and in the end, friendship really did play a big role in the game for her and alex. they one one mission and the other missions they weren't sent to temple b/c of friendship.
good for green. sad for purple =[
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Kristine, Yes I think many of us know that the fight between Cealey and Taylor wasn't just a one side fight. I think we all know that Taylor did say some things about Cealey as well and I think Taylor has said it herself in a chat. I'm not saying that I hate her or anything because I don't know her. If I was green I would have done the same thing, it was a smart thing and anyone else in their position probably would have done the same. The show is about Endurance and yeah they did we a mission. You have to look at what we the fans are coming from, Purple and Green both had a free ride, purple because of their piece and green because of purple but the main difference between the Purple and Green teams were, Purple fought all the way both in the missions and not in the missions they were playing the game 24/7. They didn't have to win any mission but they kept fighting till the end. You cannot expect to play this game without having to lie or backstab atleast once, it's just not possible even Blue lied. Another thing that set Purple apart was they played with Good Sportmanship, they lost they got over it and moved on. Blue got set up to the Temple and came back down three times but did you ever see Connor not smile? He laughed and joked about it. Green lost the create your own game and Cealey had a fit. Calling Blue cheaters and for her to have bad sportmanships made her look bad. And if I'm read right from Taylor's chat the producers had to come down to tell her that Blue didn't cheat and to stop but she kept going on and on about. You say, that the tv shows what they want us to see, and they do but you can't hide or misread poor sportmanship. Cealey seems like an amazing person, I saw her tape and she seems like a hard cord sports girl, I mean how many sports does she play like 3 or 4? That's amazing and it helped in the mission that they won. I just wished we the fans got to see that side of her more. But this is all just my opinion so please be kind. |
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PS Alex videos rocked they were so funny and honest... |
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i know! i liked when he paid the teacher =] funny stuff |
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I know this was a while ago, but let me say this. aly posted "You can't change people's views on things. " and Yes you can. Like me, I disliked Cealey. She was my least favorite player on the show. And then I started talking to her and then met her. My view on her was changed because she was so nice in real life. So, yes, you can change a person's view on things.... |
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Kristine you are truly amazing considering Cealey was the one who sent you to Temple! |
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i don't dislike Cealey. i dislike TV CEALEY. read the letters TV. from what i hear she is actually a nice person in real life. i do feel bad for her because she is getting such a mean reputation. |
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Yes, I know Cealey through ORGS and email, and she is SUPER nice! Cealey deserves more than this, plus, she won, right?!?! So, that means that she played the game, that she thought was the best. It's like Sabrina in e1, she lied and backstabbed, but she wouldn't have gotten 2nd if she hadn't done all that. Although, I dont think that Cealey was friends with Kelsey and Dakota just so she could get carried, but it did help.
And just to let you know, for everyone that has said anything bad about Cealey, I think you should take it back. She should be able to come on this site without having people say bad things about her...... |
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agreed i like her wackiness but not what she did as menyioned below |
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Yeah, TV Cealey is pretty bad, but I hear that she's pretty nice in real life. I guess the competition went to her head. I just think that it was unfair for everyone when she used her friendship with Kelsey and relationship with Dakota to stay in the game. |