 | | From:  keerez (Original Message) | Sent: 2/18/2008 10:33 PM |
Who do you guys think played the best game (so far)? I think Green or Blue did. Blue, obviously, is the least drama-causing team and is honest and have good teamwork. Green work really well together and they are strong and was smart about having an alliance. They did lie, but its understandable why they lied. |
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My opinions are the same. I'd like to see these two teams go into the finals, because they're on good terms with each other, and are the most deserving teams. Blue was friendly in some way with everyone and stayed out of drama, Green were the powerhouses and had great teamwork. |
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I think Green has played the best game thus far. They had good teamwork, are strong and smart, too. |
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Green....best teamwork, best strategy, and not mean to anyone... |
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I think Orange did, they had a good stragey and good friends, i wished they'd won.  |
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I think green has played the best game so far. Yes, they lied a little, but it kept them in the game. They made a great alliance, worked really well together, and kept from getting on anyone's bad side. Blue has been my favorite from the beginning, so I am extremely happy that they finally won a mission!  They have actually played a pretty good game, by staying out of the drama and being friends with everyone, but a lot of the reason they're still here is luck. |
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i think blue did because they didnt cause much drama and didnt backstab anyone and they were just an awesome team
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I think green played the best game but blue won endurance because they had more luck in the finals, plus they did a great job of not getting on anybody's bad side and staying under the radar. I liked them better than green but was hoping green would win because they had played such an awesome game! I couldn't root against blue, though, because I think they're great people. |
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i think the red, blue, or green teams played the best game. Red- had great teamwork with each other, was fairly popular with the other teams, and they're luck was very horrible so i feel bad for them. Blue-They didn't cause drama, had great teamwork, and oh yeah they won Green-Had a strong alliance, great teamwork, and strength |
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As some people have said, Blue didn't backstab anybody because they didn't have the chance to (which I agree with to a certain extent), but I know them well enough to know that even if they would have won more missions, they wouldn't backstab anyone! Although the only team they could have really backstabbed in the game would be Purple...but I would have to say that Red played an amazing game! They won when they needed to, and they also made a great choice by aligning themselves with Green and Orange. Even though they were gonna ditch em, they did wht they needed to and definitely shouldn't have gone home when they did! They won the mission for crying out loud and, due to luck, got sent to Temple and left!
But really, every team played a great game in their own way! Even Yellow! Yellow did what they could to stay, and it just didn't work out. I was really hoping in the beginning of the game Kyle would have won the pm to switch things up, and he was so close too!
But out of all the teams, I say Purple played the worst game! Sorry if you read this Jackie :/ but from the very beginning, Purple set themselves up for failure! And stuff that I've heard from Jackie about how Connor wanted to play the game really showed he wasn't a good competitor at all! He made horrible choices! He trusted Leslie the whole time, cuz they knew each other before the show, and he was just naive to believe her!
Anyways sorry for the long post :p |
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I would say green or orange...although blue did not cause drama or backstab anyone, part of playing the best game is winning missions...so, i think that green and orange played the best game. green had amazing teamwork and they never gave up, they did lie, but the two lies that they made were smart because otherwise they would have been sent up to temple. orange had great teamwork and they had the desire to win. |
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i'd definitely disagree with that!
winning is a big part, but a social game, and playing strategically i think is more important at times! just because you won a lot of missions shouldn't make you the best team! |
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