 | | From:  spica00015 (Original Message) | Sent: 2/24/2008 2:18 AM |
I can't believe it Red sent themselves to the temple. I feel so bad for Red team specially for Jonathan. He did so good in the last two challenges only to get lose them on a game of chance.
One in 16 changes of picking the red nut from the basket and he picked red!
Anyhow, congrats to Blue for making F2!
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i know, i felt so bad for jonathan, man, he's a beast, he was hauling those sandbags, and i feel bad for hannah, i mean, she was crying and everything...it stinks...
i want green to win...why doesn't anyone like them??? haha...
oh, and i feel like i've said this so many times but, sorry ben and jordyn...hhaa |
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Yeah, I felt so bad for them, Jon was crying after he picked it. =(
It must of been a horrible feeling to just basically get yourself out. :(
There seemed to be a lot of 'If you win you aren't necessarily safe' in this season. I think that's unfair, but, it is a good twist. =/ Sad though.
Novel there. xD |
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i know...he was shaking so bad, and to see them so happy that they won, and then to only go to temple... |
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I, unfortunately, was spoiled by a now-banned member on who the final two were before yesterday's episode, and I still was shocked by everyone's reaction after Jon pulled out the red nut. I feel bad for him and Hannah, but I think that Green and Blue deserve the Final 2 spot the most - I'd be happy if either one of them won, they're all great people and had awesome teamwork with their partner. |
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red was my fave team that twist was SO unfair to them! i'm so mad they went home and mad at jd lol that the one time he does a twist like this it has to be when a team i actually LIKE wins the mission! =( i'm very very sad right now nothing against green - theyre an amazing team, both really strong and smart - but i'm rooting for BLUE!!! yay love them my faves after red |
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i howp blue wins thave played the game the best |
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I have to disagree, I think Green has done the best, that lie wasnt bad, it was all strategy, I would have done the same if I was them, I hope they win becasue they have won like so so so many challenges and have GREAT teamwork, I mean Blue is one of my other favorite teams but I think Green deserves the win, Im with you Caroline! GO GREEN! |
 | | From:  Emi106 | Sent: 2/26/2008 2:44 AM |
yeah I agree with Wesley and Caroline they have played the best game and really deserve it more in my opinion I'm glad they're in the final two And yeah I agree with Wesley on the lie thing |
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I'm really really really happy that it's blue and green in the final two, but that was a really unfair twist to throw in. Red team won that mission for nothing, I can't imagine winning the mission only to find out I'm going to temple. |
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I don't understand why everyone so bent out of shape about it. They were told about the stakes before the challenge, so it's not like anyone got cheated. Endurance isn't always cookie-cutter and fair, as isn't life. |
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Wow Endurance is rigged for green!!! |
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