 | | From:  adoreL0VE (Original Message) | Sent: 2/28/2008 1:00 AM |
heyy guys.. so im working on getting the bios/profiles up for E6 not to mention update past seasons so if E1-E5 wants theirs updated feel free to do this as well :] please fill this out the best you can. if anyone can get it to players who dont come anymore it'd be apprecited hope you guys have time. thanks. Basic -Name: -Age: -Gender: -Birthday: -Heritage: -Height:
Favorite -Movie: -Actor/Actress: -Type of Music: -Song: -Singer: -Color: -Food: -Candy: -Sport/Hobby: -Class: -Cartoon Character: -TV Show: -Book/Magazine:
Memories -Best Moment: -Worst Moment: -Funniest Moment: -Most Surprising: -Saddest Moment: -Biggest Surprise:
Random -Thoughts Waking Up: -Perfect Date: -Perfect Pizza: -Weakness: -Interests: -Secret Talent: -Future Plans: |
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 | | From:  Brizani | Sent: 2/29/2008 7:56 PM |
ok im bored so imma do this....thisa is Briana from E6. Basic -Name: Briana -Age: 16 -Gender: F -Birthday: January 29 -Heritage: Dominican, Swedish, Ecuadorian and Irish -Height: 5'6"
Favorite -Movie: oooo.....ummmm....idk Interstellar 5555 or surfs up, or um ugh idk i have lots lol. -Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp, Natelie Portman -Type of Music: House -Song: Digital Love by Daft Punk or Only Hope by Switchfoot -Singer: Daft Punk and Joe jonas...(jonas brothers) -Color: blue -Food: ramoki ....it a hawaiian dish -Candy: hhmmmm prob butterfingers -Sport/Hobby: DANCE DANCE AND MORE DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!! i love to dance -Class: History or Biology or maybe English....i kinda like it all except MATH!!!! Lord i hate that stuff. -Cartoon Character: deff Cheese from the imaginary friends show....that guy is a studmuffin -TV Show: ummm....lol i like House and Cold Case, So u Think U can Dance, UGLY BETTY i love that show. -Book/Magazine: well im reading the Princess diaries right now and those are pretty good...um the Giver...and Cannibals...its a really good book. Oh and Seventeen and CG...like those mags.
Memories -Best Moment: OMG there are way to many, like, i love my life its so much fun. Best moments happen like everyday!!! But a lot of great moments happen at the beach for me....when like my friends and i go surfing and stuff. -Worst Moment: ....lol well a lot of these happen too....prob when my dog died. I know sometimes it sounds silly to say...u know... like the worst moment is when ur dog died compared to some other stories (like ur mom died or a close friend or something). But thats the one for me< Her name was Tia and she was a big German shepherd, i got her for Valentines day when i was 3. And she died when i was 13, from cancer. And most of you know im homeschooled, so growing up i didnt really have many friends. So my "FUN" time of the day was spending time with my brother and my dog....we did EVERYTHING together, and so it was kinda hard to see her go. -Funniest Moment: well there are WAY to many of these...my friends and i are the most stupid idiots EVER. so like its hard to name one. -Most Surprising: hhmmmmm....i have no clue. -Saddest Moment: lol my dog....^ -Biggest Surprise: lol IDK ....omg i have no idea.
Random -Thoughts Waking Up: um a lot of different ones....most of the time its "omg what a weird dream....i gotta tex courtney.." or just thinking about what i have to do that day. -Perfect Date: lol ooo....ok well prob something like going to the pier and just going on the rides and rollercoasters and stuff....the when the day is ending like bike ride on the same bike to the beach and watch the sun set and then like play at a playground on the swings or something, that would be awesome. -Perfect Pizza: cheese and pineapple -Weakness: well besides like sharpd thing and stuff....prob like a guy singing to u, that would totally make me go weak in the knees. -Interests: lol i have a lot -Secret Talent: um well im an artist and a lot of people dont know that....like i love to draw and paint and im really good at it too cuz i practice so much. I remember i posted one of my drawings on myspace once and captioned it "some of my work" and all my friends were like....thats not urs take it of. lol But it was. -Future Plans: to marry Joe Jonas....lol and hopefully be in the entertainment buisness, i love to sing and i love to act and dance. So im really trying to make my way to the top. So far things are going pretty good. |
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Basic -Name: Benedict (yes, BenEDICT) -Age: 15 -Gender: Male -Birthday: 4-24-92 -Heritage: Filipino and German Mostly. A little French, Spanish, and Chinese too though. -Height: Um...no idea. I dont keep track. haha.
Favorite -Movie: I don't know. I like lots of movies. -Actor/Actress: No idea. haha. -Type of Music: Generally NOT rap...but whatever I guess. I like a lot of christin bands. -Song: Brothers on a Hotel Bed-Death Cab -Singer: Lots. -Color: Blue, Yellow...others??? -Food: White Rice, Chinese...Cafeteria Food. YUM. -Candy: Chocolates for sure. Starbursts are good too. -Sport/Hobby: Soccer is my sport, i'm not that bad either. -Class: English or Science...other than that Lunch. -Cartoon Character: Haha. The aliens from spacejam. ESPECIALLY the BLUE one. -TV Show: Endurance of Course. And LOST I am addicted to that show. -Book/Magazine: Hmm...the chronicals of Narnia are up there. And OBVIOUSLY Harry Potter. What would the world be without him? Lame, obviously.
Memories -Best Moment: Aything Endurance. -Worst Moment: Hmm...I can't really put a finger on that. I generally am a pretty happy person. Although this year I did get really mad, once...I lost my notebooks and stuff and was all up night studying for tests the day before and the current day, we had lots. I had to redo all of the assignment that I lost that day too...it sucked. My friends have pictures...I look really crabby. hahahaha. -Funniest Moment: Too many. -Most Surprising: Definatley getting picked for endurance. -Saddest Moment: Hmm...I don't honestly have a super sad moment. One that comes to mind anyways. -Biggest Surprise: Same thing as most surprising.
Random -Thoughts Waking Up: "What is that obnoxious noise..." -Perfect Date: Whatever my dates perfect date is. -Perfect Pizza: Cheese...or supreme. SO nothing...or EVERTHING. -Weakness: Saying my Weakness. Haha, really I don't know. -Interests: Anything art. I love drawing with all media, and taking pics. Sometimes I will be up at 2:00 AM simply drawing. I also really like aquariums and all that good stuff. -Secret Talent: I don't know that I have one. It's yet to be discovered I guess. haha. -Future Plans: Get a Job that's fun, I don't really care about pay. Have a family...assuming my job will support one. But...honestly, no plans really. I take things as they come, life is more fun that way-not knowing whats going to happen next. |
 | | From:  Brizani | Sent: 3/3/2008 5:28 PM |
OMG BEN!!!! i thought John was jk when he was calling u BENEDICT the whole day!!! lol i didnt know that was ur REAL name!! lol im so dumb |
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thank youuu for answering briana & ben.! ill have up ur site profiles before the end of the week haha & i guess i shoulda been more specific that i meant for the memories section to be about ur time on endurance oh well, cute stories though :] i looove german shepards & its happened to me where i lose notebooks too but after i redid everything i usually found them like a week later.! ugh |
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Becca sent me this to post here.... Basic -Name: (re)Becca -Age: 16 -Gender: female -Birthday: 9/1/91 -Heritage: all Ukrainian -Height: 5'4 1. Favorite -Movie: Mean Girls/ Wedding Crashers -Actor/Actress: Adam Brody/ Rachel McAdams -Type of Music: all kinds -Song: -Singer: Taylor Swift/ Jonas brothers -Color: Yellow/blue -Food: popsicles -Candy: blow pops -Sport/Hobby: swimming/writing -Class: media/math/English -Cartoon Character: -TV Show: Harry Potter/To Kill A Mockingbird/Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants/Seventeen. -Book/Magazine: Harry Potter! all of them/To Kill A Mockingbird/Seventeen Memories -Best Moment: when my soccer teams won states/ getting the call from Patrick, the first time. -Worst Moment: losing on endurance/losing states the year before. -Funniest Moment: When ever im with my friends. (Sup Dawg) inside joke hehe:] -Most Surprising: Being picked to be on endurance. -Saddest Moment: When Maggie died. -Biggest Surprise:^^ being on endurance Random -Thoughts Waking Up: Daddy five more minutes.(he always gives in hehe) -Perfect Date: Its not about the date, its about the person your with. I personally think the date actually makes the date. -Perfect Pizza: cheese -Weakness: a cute, nice boy -Interests: Swimming, XC, Track, Soccer, writing, editing film, making videos -Secret Talent: I can eat three popsicles in 1 minute. -Future Plans: communications major/ television production in Boston, but California is my dream. |
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OMG Becca's birthday is September 1st? Mine is September 2nd! |
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becca! popsicles aren't food theyre like almost candy!!  |
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okay... but candy is a type of food... haha |
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becca has my sisters birthday! |
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haha cool i love when that birthday stuff happens  yaaaaa but there was a candy section! i guess to me there is a very big difference between food and candy lol - candy is yummmmm, food is what i'm picky with hehe |
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thank youu for getting that from becca jay.! :]
ugh im mad i havent finished this because ive been out of town i wont be back home until next week |
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Basic -Name:Kyle -Age:15 -Gender:boy -Birthday:april 15 -Heritage:pretty much all over Scandinavia -Height: 6'2'' (constantly more every month) Favorite -Movie:dragonheart -Actor/Actress:adam sandler (myself jk) -Type of Music:anything but country -Song:currently pretender by foo fighters -Singer: not sure -Color: purple -Food: cookies -Candy:mike and ikes -Sport/Hobby:marching band/band -Class:math -Cartoon Character:johnny bravo -TV Show:tied between endurance and kyle xy -Book/Magazine:deltora quest(book) Memories -Best Moment:endurance and anything related -Worst Moment:losing endurance -Funniest Moment:one day in school this kid brought this stress ball. it was really a balloon filled with cornstarch and when he let me see it for a sec it blew up all over me. yeah pretty much i have a very funny/embarrassing life -Most Surprising: when i got my dog DeeDee for christmas. she was in a big box and was making noises. i was like 4 so i was scared so when i picked the box up she shot out from under it and it was the best gift ever. she is like 12 or something now. -Saddest Moment: dont have to many sad moments hard to think of one. losing endurance prob. -Biggest Surprise:wouldnt this fall under most surprising? why do you want two surprising stories? what are so great about surprising stories? Random -Thoughts Waking Up: why am i awake? should i throw the clock out the window? -Perfect Date: there is no such thing. the best date will have rough spots but you just look over them. -Perfect Pizza:pepperoni -Weakness: temple of fate/rock paper scissors -Interests: whatever makes me happy. -Secret Talent: i can wiggle my nose without moving my mouth very much. does that count. -Future Plans: i wanna be a marine biologist or some sort of veterinarian. |
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