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will get those last 2 pieces??????? I'm thinking blue, just because if would be so amazing if green got all 5...it'd be 10-4, and I don't think that would happen... |
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I think blue to, I really want Green to win the show though, Im hopeing green gets the pieces! |
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I think blue will. But even if blue gets them, green is 2 in the lead. |
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I thought Blue had five pieces? They had three in the beginning of the episode, then got the Karma piece, and found one piece during the mission... |
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i think green will, because they are running and working together, while the blue is arguing and going pretty slow. |
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Nope, Blue hasn't gotten any pieces during the mission yet, only clues. |
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Yeah, out of the 5 pieces, blue has none, green has three... |
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I think Blue's gonna get the 2 pieces. If they do, it'll be 8-6 going into the final temple. I absolutely LOVE the Blue team, they're my favorites, but Green has done so much to deserve to win, so I hope Green wins. |
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you could kind of tell who's gonna get what peices by how they were talking like every time blue talks about the two pieces they get a kind of happy look, and ben said something like "the green team was close and i thought they were gonna catch up to us".... but he didn't say they caught up to them, he said he thought they would, which makes it sound like the green team was too late. also when blue talked about how green was looking for the clue they already found, they looked really excited, and i think that's because they both realized that that was what delayed green, which made blue be able to get the two pieces. let's put it this way, if blue doesn't get the pieces, i'll be really surprised  |
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yeah, i was thinking, if green had known that the two pieces were up at temple, i think green would have gone there first, then to the cave, and if that happened, i think that green would have gotten all of the pieces, unless blue turned around and went to the cave... |
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