The Blue Team: Chad and Bailey - Blue is my fave color so I'm like completely biased XD
The Red Team: Gregory and Talia - I liked Gregory and Talia! I'm glad she didn't go with Matt(or whoever she was planned to go on)
The Orange Team: Sebastian and Briana - WOOT WOOT BEST TEAM EVER! xP
The Yellow Team: Andres and Alice - Lol I see them as the "underdogs". DO GOOD IN THE GAME GUYS.
The Green Team: Harvey and Amber - I like both Harvey and Amber! Though they're a bit unused
The Purple Team: Matt and Mia - I don't like Matt(Matt and Bailey is what I was hoping for, don't like either) but Mia is <3
The White Team: Theo and Ashley - Well, if I had a least fave team, it'd probably White or Blue. I don't like Theo that much and I'm partially biased in Ashley's favor but still.