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Endurance is over for us and i say JD didn't care one thing about us. We're just so much garbage to him. i hope every show he gets involved on fails totally. |
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Chill out Shane seriously. You never know Endurance could continue. Also it wasn't JD's fault. JD is still awsome and he will alwelys be awsome. Also I think that JD would still love to do Endurance. Lets not hate on 3 ball please. |
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I think the reason why he didn't do Endurance this year is because of his great new show "Opportunity Knocks." |
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I don't its because of Oppertunity Knocks. JD hosted an show Unam1oums During E4. Also During E5 JD tried out for the new host of the price is right. He also has hosted 2 shows at once in the past as well. So I don't think Oppertunity Knocks has anything to do with no E7. Also I just looked on the Oppertunity Knocks Wikipedia entry and it said the show was already canceled. Lilly emailed 3 Ball and they said that they want Endurance back more than anything and that the fate of Endurance is not in there control. Then Jade posted once that her mom called Discovery Kids and talked to the President of DK and he said Discovery Kids wanted Endurance back too. They said that all the Letters and petitions that DK had gotten they had sent them up to Discovery. Discovery wanted the show to be canceled because it is very expensive to produce Endurance. So I think that is the story. |
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yeah shane chill out jd still cares about us but the reason why is that 3ball doesn`t have that much money anymore |
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"wow, you are a downer" (jim, the office)
sorry i couldn't resist the chance for an Office quote.
anyway, yeah. alex here^^ pretty much has summed it up. and it's still technically "on hold" which is a big difference b/w being cancelled. and i don't think JD or DK is the bad guy here. disc. comm is the one i blame currently. until we know anything else, oh well. life goes on.
i did post about my latest convo w/ DK in sept, right? i don't remember and i don't feel like looking...oh well
and JK really auditioned to be host of the price is right?? idk if he'd be good or not there...probably better then drew carey, he's AWFUL for TPIR. i loved Bob Barker :( |
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lol the office. kids on my team are obsessed with that show. i watched like 5 episodes and yes i have to agree. it's amazingly funny!! |
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I think it's the economy.It will pick up soon (the show and the economy) |
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hilarious. i LOVE it. and there are 2 types of ppl: those who think the office is hilarious, and those who think its stupid. there really are...and when i quote it all the time around teh 2nd type, they get mad, but oh well...it;s just so funny! and now w/ the SNL election update thursday right after it, i love both. an hour of laughs! haha i loove it |
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YAY OFFICE! I agree with the two types of people, I know a lot of people who really don't like it but loveeee the british version. |
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you know who else is really funny. flight of the conchords. |
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really?! i heard the british version sucked. i'll have to watch it sometime. |
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