well, a lot of ppl i know have never watched it, but they might as well from the way i incessently talk about it. :D
so this is what i did in response to that. i sent an email (the one listed below) out to almost everybody i know....
here it is. hope u can find insparation. :D
Hey Everybody!-
Just wanted to inform you that DK is planning on cutting the funds to Endurance.

If you don't know what Endurance is, check out this link- it'll tell you all you want to know about it.
Its an amazing show that I was planning on being on this summer. However, I cant do that if Discovery Kids cuts the funding.
This is what you can do to help-
sign the online petition at:
Then, spread the word about it. If you encounter any problems, let me know.
Thanks for fulfilling your civic duties!