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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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Msg2EndurPlayers : To Lilly
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From: MSN Nicknamestar16m  (Original Message)Sent: 9/7/2008 5:23 AM
Hey Lilly it is me star16m.  I finally got my internet back earlier this week!  I have not been on in a while so I thought I would say hi to you.  I heard you are the only person that comes frequently on here anymore.  I looked at Darci profile on here and she has not been on here since late May.  I finally got to watch all of seasons 5 and 6.  I am sorry that Yellow could not have maken it further!  Gray, Yellow, and Blue deserved to win.  Some of the other teams may have deserved to win.  I knew who won thanks to the internet.  I read on here that you got to meet Hannah and hang out with her, how was that?  When I was watching the episode in 5 where purple made the super team choice I remeber Aric saying he would not deal with a popularity contest and purple, orange, red, and green should have played a more fair game, but I guess that is how the game goes.  Do you have a myspace?  Once I find out my URL I can post it on here.  Do you keep in touch with anyone else from season 5?  Also, besides Hannah, have you met anyone else from the other seasons?  Please post back!

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