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Hey! You probably have no idea, but we've talked before. Do you remember Endurance Anguilla? I'm Ben! We were partners on the purple team! Congrats on getting on the show. <3 I actually just found out now, and I found all the episodes on youtube. So I have no idea how far you get, but just the fact that you got on is so cool! I was just wondering if you remembered. ^^; I lost the link to the board though, haha. |
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oh wow, hi! i definitely remember Endurance Anguilla, but i might be confusing it with another game ... i think i remember being on the blue team with Matt? ... but of course, every ORG i've played has blended together in my mind. so it's nothing personal!! lol.
thanks for the support! i got very i excited when i saw a thread with my name in the title, i haven't had that in awhile! hehe =]. |
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aww Darci..I'd get excited too haha |
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It has been a while haha, so you may have been. I dunno. Still, it's so cool you got on the actual show!! Though it sucks that you lost omfg. I was so angry haha; I almost stopped watching. |
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aww thanks man, i like it when people say they almost stop watching after Ike & i get eliminated, it makes me feel loved =D. |
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Yeah Darci, you were on Blue with Matt  I just read the Anguilla message board, it was very entertaining  |
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ahahahah oh man, blast from the past! i remember there being some drama, lol. |
 | | From:  cutehal | Sent: 1/14/2008 3:05 AM |
hey i was wondering how u get on the show for endurance 7. do u have to be a member of anything? complete anything? go anywhere to try out? please answer! :) |
 | | From:  cutehal | Sent: 1/14/2008 3:07 AM |
hey i was wondering how u get on endurance the show... like do u have to be a member of anything? mail anything in? go anywhere? atc. i would appreciate it if u would give me some hints and tell about it! thanks! :) |
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yeahh, you have to mail in an audition tape. if there's an E7, they'll put all the information on the DK website. |
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Audition information usually comes out after the new season is over...or almost over...
But, there might not even be an e7... |
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