 | | From:  vote4llama (Original Message) | Sent: 7/2/2008 1:25 AM |
Hello! We have gone from 8 to 2.
Tomorrow at 10 AM CT, I will post the results of the final vote!
Goodluck Scott and Caroline
(I am leaving for a vacation 2moro so If I do not post it don't sweat, I'll get it up soon) |
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I'm excited! ..But I better win. lol |
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I'll post the results at 9 actually cause we may leave right after that...but I still may be late haha |
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It is time for EODK BB 4 to end
It started on June 16
Either Caroline or Scott is going to win. Caroline won 4 HOH challenges. Scott played for his 4th time, but dominated this time around. Whoever wins will be joining the ranks of Davis, the first ever EODK BB winner Connor, an actual past Endurance contestant who won BB 2 Julianne, the first person to win 3 HOH competitions in a game
Ready to find out who won Endurance on Discovery Kids Big Brother?
By a vote of 3-2, the winner of EODK BB 4 is....
You set the record for the most HOHs won in a game You are the first female to win the final HOH competetion You made it to the finals never being nominated
Sorry Scott, but you did much better than the other times you played!
Thank you to the 8 Houseguests
Joey CJ Casey Wesley Alex Lauren Scott Caroline |
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Wow, thanks to everyone who voted for me! Scott, good job, you played a great game! |
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Yay! Congrats Caroline  I was hoping you'd win if I couldn't =D Wow, that was a lottt closer than I thought it would be. I thought it would either be 5-0 or 4-1. Thanks for the two people who voted for me  This was an awesome ORG and I had a lot of fun playing it! =D |
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Thanks...yeah, it was close, but it was what I expected...yeah, that was really fun! A great "cast"...haha |
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Do you know who voted for who? I'd assume Alex voted for me, but idk about the second person. |
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Yea I voted for you IDK who the other person was |
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awesome game congrats caroline |
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