 | | From:  brahman48 (Original Message) | Sent: 7/7/2008 9:06 PM |
These are mine, in order. 1. E3-- Great cast, great drama and also funny! 2. E1-- The original. Good cast, good action 3. E5-- Really liked it a lot. 4. E6-- Liked it a lot too 5. E2-- A little lame at times 6. E4-- Not enough action |
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1. E1- Maybe the best comes first. The most deserving team won, amazing drama (thanks to Sabrina), incredible connections (Jon and Ashley!), etc 2. E4- I know this isnt a popular season, but I, for one, actually LIKED the fact that they all got along. And I thought some things were so amusing to watch, like Jeszie's annoyance with Issac and Amelia's relationship, or Erika beating out all the guys! 3. E3- I was rooting for Bryannah and Monroe all the way... they're my second favorite team in Endurance history (second to E1 Blue) 4. E5- I think most viewers connected with the contestants on this season. The drama and friendships were good... however, from what I've heard, Kelsey and Taylor completely ignore Cealey now and that makes me kind of dissapointed considering it wasn't Cealey's fault that she got "carried" by Purple... and I don't really think she got carried either. Red from E4 only won two or three missions, yet nobody yelled at them. Green was a strong team, whether you like it or not. 5. E6- just wasn't that interesting to me, sorry... and I didn't really connect with any of the contestants. 6. E2- this season wasn't very interesting to me either. I didn't really even like any of the contestants except for maybe Annie and Jeff. Max did too much scheming... that annoyed me as well. |
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1. E4 - It was the first season I saw and I just loved it! 2. E5 - I love the people, and I love all the twists and the RTS was <3 3. E1 - Once again, loved the people, loved the MISSIONS 4. E2 - Really should be tied with E1 but I loved Max&Jenna's return, the RTS, Partner Mission, and Orange 5. E3 - I don't get what was so special about it. I mean, it seemed mediocre to me. 6. E6 - Too many changes coupled with the fact I watched maybe 3 episodes. |
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E3: Amazing cast, one of the best teams ever (Bryanah & Monroe), twists, drama, and some of the best missions ever. Also, you get to know the contestants a lot better becuz it had like 21 eps. E5: A lot like Hawaii, but the challenges weren't very good. It seems like we really got to know the contestants this year. E4: I love this season because the cast was pretty funny, and it was the first season I ever saw from premier night to finale night. E2: Another season I love because of the Max/Jenna return, cool challenges, and all the scheming/lying. E1: Had some awesome moments, and it's the original which makes it pretty cool. I like the first 4 eps the most because everyone was just starting to understand the game. E6: Waaaay too different than a normal season. Should have had 20 players, more challenges, more teams, twists that were actually exciting... A pretty awful season in my opinion. It was like someone ate Endurance, threw it back up, and we watched. =/ |
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