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What is your favorite team? (not necessarily the team you think will win, but just your favorite) |
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my favorites: E1: blue, I liked purple a lot too E2: brown, grey was adorable E3: YELLOW and green E4: purple and yellow E5: hah yellow of course  |
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E1: Blue and Orange E2: Orange and Purple E3: Yellow, Green and Brown E4: Purple E5: Blue, Yellow and Gray
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favorite E5 teams? grey (hey darci!) blue and yellow! |
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hahahah heyyy =]
Endurance 1: blue, orange Endurance 2: green, brown, yellow Endurance 3: yellow, green Endurance 4: red Endurance 5: i'd have to go with grey for this one ;] |
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REMIX!!!Sorry but I have diffrent choices( based on what I've seen so far)... E1:Grey,Red E2:Brown,Green,Yellow E3:Blue,Yellow,Green,Brown,Orange,Grey E4:Red,Blue,Purple,Green E5:Purple,Grey,Yellow,Red,Green,Blue,Orange,Anna Garret |
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Endurance 1: Blue and Red Endurance 2: Purple, Blue, and Green Endurance 3: Yellow and Green Endurance 4: Red, Green, and Purple Endurance 5: Blue  |
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All E5 players are greedy!!!  Jk you guy's are awsome!!!!!!! |
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E1: Yellow and Red E2: Green and Red E3: Gray and Yellow E4: Red, Purple and Blue E5: Purple and Gray |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/26/2007 8:46 PM |
E1: Blue and Yellow E2: Green and Purple E3: Grey E4: Purple E5: Orange and Red E6: Purple |
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e1: red, blue e2: i only watched like a few episodes e3: yellow, green, antonio (if his partner was anyone else that team could have been so good!! willa should have told him before, or hinted better that she didn't like him ) e4: blue, grey e5: blue, purple e6: i think i'll wait till the season is over to decide on my faves. right now yellow purple blue and red are tied lol, but i don't hate green and orange anymore =). they're cute and strong, but they don't match up to the likeable levels as the other 4 teams, for me. the only thing i'm not totally settled yet with is how lauren acted behind the scenes, but... k watev... haha i liked blue like every season =) |
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I'll post my favorites by season and color, k? E1: Red E2: Green E3: Gray E4: Purple E5: Green E6: Red Red - Ashley and Christian Orange - Lauren and Caleb Yellow - Monroe and Bryannah Green - Cealey and Alex or Keetin and Mike (can't decide) Blue - Jonna and Aaron Purple - Daniela and Jonathan Gray - Chris and Lindi Brown - Max and Jenna |
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E1: Red E2: Brown E3: Yellow E4: Green E5: Yellow/Red E6: Green |
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oh and by colour i'd say
Red: Franke and Erika Green: Will and Leslie/Bjorn and Alex Yellow: Monroe and Bryanah/Shep and Calley Blue: Aaron and Jonna Purple: Dakota and Kelsey Orange: Caleb and Lauren Grey: Max and Jenna Brown: Max and Jenna |
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Fav. Team
E1~ Blue, Red, Jon E2~ Blue (i guess) E3~ Yellow, Green, Tom & Damien (not @ the beginning though) E4~ Blue (i guess) E5~ Red & Orange E6~ Will, Purple & Blue (i guess)
Fav. Color
Red~ Christian & Ashley/ Cameron & Aeriel Orange~ Max & Kristine, Damien (not @ the beginning though) Yellow~ Bryannah & Monroe, Kyle Green~ Alex & Bjorn, Will Blue~ Jonna & Aaron Purple~ Connor & Jackie (i guess) Gray~ none. but if i have to choose Chris & Lindi Brown~ Tom |
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E1: Blue and Grey E2: Brown and Green E3: Yellow and Brown E4: Red, Green, Purple E5: Purple, Blue, Orange E6: Green and Blue |