 | | From:  fanofE2 (Original Message) | Sent: 11/28/2006 3:30 AM |
So here's the rules. Take any color and two different seasons. Take the guy from one season and put him on a team with the girl from the other season.
Take the girl from that season and put her on a team with a guy from the first season.
Got it?
This doesn't really count since they had two different colors, but I think the following would be sweet:
Max (Gray E1) with Lindi (Gray E3) Jenna (Gray E1) with Chris (Gray E3)
Skyler (Orange E1) with Michelle (Orange E2) Tyler (Orange E2) with Chelsea (Orange E1) would just about be the most quiet, introverted team ever.
Trevor (Green E1) with Keetin (Green E2) would be a ferocious team and would be FUN to see go up against Jenna and Chris, but..
I don't think Mike (Green E2) with Lana (Green E1) would have much of a chance unless they fell into a sweet alliance.
Christian (Red E1) with Erika (Red E4) would be a funny team. Same thing with Ashley and Franke. |
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Blue E5 and E2 Connor (E5) and Christa (E2) - I think this team would actually do pretty good! Taylor (E5) and Scooter (E2) - Not so good. Scooter is a bit too loud to be with Taylor. Yellow E3 and E1 Monroe (E3) and Sabrina (E1) - I think the only way they'd be safe was if Sabrina flirted a lot. Bryanah (E3) and Jon (E1) - Powerhouse team. Purple E5 and E4 Dakota (E5) and Daniela (E4) - They'd do pretty good... Kelsey and Jonathon - Okay... |
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Orange E5 and E3 Max(E5) and Nicole(E3)= Probably would make final 2 Demian(E3) and Kristine(E5)= WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!! Green E4 and E5 Cealy and Isaac=ROCKIN AND WINNIN! Alex and Jeszie= Ok. |
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I agree with ben about the green team...
Red E1 and E5 Aerial and Christian Ashley and Cameron
Blue E1 and E5 Jonna and Connor Taylor and Aaron
Purple E2 and E3 Annie and Reece Sarah and Jeff |
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E2 Purple and E4 purple. Annie and Jon, not quite sure how they would get along... It'd be interesting. Jeff and Daniela, one pretty quiet team, but I think they'd do really well!
E1 Orange and E3 Orange. Nicole and Skyler? I don't think it'd work, at all. It'd be interesting to watch. Demian and Chelsea might have a chance, but I'm not sure.
E5 blue and E4 blue. Connor and Amelia, they seem like they'd get along really well. They'd probably end up doing really well. Shea and Taylor, they seem somewhat opposite, but from their strengths, they might still do well.
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Red: Cameron (E5) and Erika (E4)
Yellow: Shep (E2) and Bryanah (E3)
Blue: Ben (E6) and Taylor (E5)
Orange: Tyler (E2) and Kristine (E5)
Purple: Connor (E6) and Annie (E2)
Green: Bjorn (E3) and Leslie (E6)
Grey: Max (E1) and Maryelle (E2)
Brown: Tom (E3) and Jenna (E2) |
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