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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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Spoilers : I know who wins Island Hopping and Im mad about it.
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEndurance_Fan1  (Original Message)Sent: 2/9/2008 7:23 AM
Green team.
If you watch the commercial, Look at Wills feet and right next to them is the adorable but evil Coconut Samadhi.
And that thing with JD saying.
"The First Team to win, Might not nesiccerally be going to Temple"
Thing, I think that their pulling a E4 to it again,
Last team to finish the challenge goes to Temple.
And that Shark Bait, I know 1 team that doesnt win it...Red. Because in the intro, Johnathans hitting the water all mad I guess after he falls into the circle.
Im rooting for Blue. Their the underdogs. Orange is just there...I dont love em or hate em.

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamekarennnnnLOVESent: 2/9/2008 10:56 PM
blue or red doesent win the next mission cuz in the preview u see green and orange discussing who to give the samadi too. its kinda stupid how much dk is giving away this year... im pretty dissapointed

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemikeytheactorSent: 2/10/2008 12:23 AM
It's like highlights of  the people who win/etc!!



 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEndurance_Fan1Sent: 2/10/2008 2:22 AM
OMG!!! People agree!
I cant believe it either...When I got done watching it and they were talking about next week, Its 2 temple missions and my brother thinks he saw Red standing by JD so he thinks either they lost and are going to the Temple.
They won and they dont have to compete.
But I highly doubt that. Im still rooting for Blue though, They were soooooo close in the mission and then Leslie caught it. I was sooooooo mad!

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemoolah_beach_195Sent: 2/10/2008 2:33 AM
I don't think DK is giving as much away as they did before. Last year they gave away-
Orange getting 5th.
Blue beating Orange at final 5 temple.
Red getting 4th.
Blue winning the final 4 endurance mission.
etcc etcc

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewesley_e7_greenSent: 2/10/2008 2:40 AM
I was so so happy!
I mean Green Blue and Orange were my favorite from the beginning,  Green has the best teamwork, like Hannah said they need all the traits to be the champion and right now there not doing so hot, they got most likely be going to temple with blue or orange next  week, idk but i want green to win!

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekris_is_a_NewYorka2Sent: 2/11/2008 11:47 PM
I don't think DK kinda spoiled the fact that Orange or Green won Island Hopping, they were shown as just discussing their game plan. And with the "team who wins might not be safe from Temple" thing, I believe it means that goes along with the two Temple missions next week - if a team wins one mission, they get to pick one team that goes to Temple, and if a different team wins another, they get to picked the other team - which may be the team that won the first mission. And with the Samadhi's handicap, does that mean only Jon can compete in both missions?

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