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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemikeytheactor  (Original Message)Sent: 2/24/2008 2:11 AM
I feel as if the GREEN team will win again this year. Why?? Only because During the theme song they show them HUG like they did for Green on E5.
Also, During the preview for the next episode it showed Green digging up something and Blue standing around looking at the map not knowing what to do. If I'm not wrong, everytime they show a preview of a challenge like right before they play it/the first team they they show playing the next challenge during the previews mostly wins...



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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 2/24/2008 2:17 AM
I personally love the green team, but i wouldn't mind if the blue team won...i just think that the green team deserves it more than blue...sorry ben and jordyn, i think that blue team does deserve it, but they haven't proved themselves as much as green...

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamebigXCstarSent: 2/24/2008 8:39 PM
yah i am a huge fan of jordyn and ben!!!!!!!!!
but i'm rooting for the green team. i don't like either of them seperately but together as a team they are what endurance is about. they show great teamwork, they are strong, competive, make smart decisions aka keeping the magic box a secret and making a early alliance, and yeah i think green deserves to win.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEndurance_Fan1Sent: 2/24/2008 10:19 PM
OMG. I was so mad green didnt go to Temple. I want blue to win personally. Though they havnt worked as hard as green, no one expected them to make it to the Final 2. Cause everyone thought it would be Red or Green or Green and Orange.
Im proud of Blue and I hope they win.

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