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They are: Andres Cinnamon Jordyn Will After extensive looking at the pictures, it was pretty obvious Cinnamon and Andres would go. Jordyn then became easy. Everything thinks maybe Matthew will go. But after looking at the partner mission, I really didn't notice hm and I noticed a black male. Also, after going on Will's myspace his only endurance friends are Andres and Jordyn, meaning he most likely befriended them while at the loser lounge since they all lost together day 1. So there you have it. |
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Im pretty sure that Jordyn makes it past the right to stay. I think Hannah is the other girl eleminated |
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Hmmm I'm pretty sure Hannah makes it! |
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hehe i also think hannah makes it past...no reason really davis is just always right :] so im going with his answer :D |
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watch this be like the first time I'm wrong >.< even though I hope it's not. ha. |
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In Conner K. interview on ourtribune.com it shows a picture of the partner challange and she is clear in front and you can see her |
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me LESLIE and andres had a reunion the other day!! |
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Sadly I have to retract my info because I spent a lot of time again trying to reconstruct who really is leaving. I then thus found 6 males, 5 who are white and the one obvious slightly darker skinned one, Ben. Which leaves Matthew out and Will in. Now if you look at the picture of the bottom all the girls have a little purple line, and to your right there is a purple lined circled female who may be Jordyn. Whoever it is has a darker complexion then anyone else. Becca, Jackie, Leslie and Briana are thje only confirmed females in. We know for sure Cinnamon is out, leaving us with Jordyn, Hannah and Lauren. The girl in the light blue shirt is either Hannah or Lauren but I can't really tell the difference. So I guess we might just have to wait until tomorrow night to know for sure. |
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wow you must have a lot of extra time on your hands to be able to figure all that at wow great job i'm really impressed  |
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you guys are thinking far too logically and by this time there has already been twists, its endurance for pete's sake |
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How do we even know that any of the missions they showed are the RTS? |
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Matthew let us guess, you just threw out a new idea that there could have already been a twist by then if they're wrong, let them be wrong then be surprised... I just reread this ^ and it sounds mean but I just want all of you E6ers to be careful with what you say cause a lot of you have already given away stuff and I don't think you realized it |
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i guess you are right i just want to apologize to those of you who thought I was being mean to Lilly don't hate me!!!! i still consider myself an avid board member anyway |
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MJ I don't hate you! I just thought you were actually giving a spoiler and I didn't want that to happen. I was sad to see you go  |