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Gray Team - Leslie and Phil-Commitment Blue Team - Christa and Aric-Strength Red Team - Reece and Erika-Trust Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler-Heart, Teamwork Orange Team - Michelle and Caleb-Luck, Leadership, Discipline
Pieces up for grabs: Courage, Friendship, Ingenuity, Knowledge, Perseverance, Karma
Michelle and Caleb got the two pieces left behind by the yellow team, now, the teams will play for the knowledge piece and the Samadhi.
In this mission, the teams will have to answer questions about past season of Endurance. The first team to get the correct answer will get one point. The first team to get 3 questions correct, for a total of 3 points, will win this mission.
How will this work?? Well, I will start off by asking a question about endurance, then, the next person will answer the question followed by a team color. If the person is correct, that team will get a point, if the person is incorrect, the question can still be answered.
After the question is answered correctly, anyone else may ask a question, it can be a challenging or as easy as you want. This will continue until one team has 3 points.
Purple- Red- Gray- Orange- Blue- |
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I think Green. And if that's right, then Red Team answers it! |
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Purple- Red-1 Gray- Orange- Blue-2
I guess I will ask all the questions...okay, In e2, what three teams did Max say he would dedicate his winning the whole game too? |
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Green team was first and purple was right after |
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Max ssaid he would dedicate winning to Yellow, Purple, and Orange. Red gets the point if I am right. |
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Purple- Red-2 Gray- Orange- Blue-2
Blue and red are tied up with the lead. Next question, in e3, what were Monroe's last words to Chris and Lindi as he left? |
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"Chris and Lindi, do not let Nicole win this game." Blue answers it! |
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And blue takes the lead!
Purple- Red-2 Gray- Orange- Blue-3
In e5's Walk the Plank, what was Alex's response to Cealey saying, "Think about your family, your animals, your friends..." |
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"I don't have a pet!" Blue answers it...and don't we stop at 3 points? |
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Oh crap, yeah, haha, thanks, I forgot...okay then...
BLUE wins!
Gray Team - Leslie and Phil-Commitment Blue Team - Christa and Aric-Strength, Knowledge Red Team - Reece and Erika-Trust Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler-Heart, Teamwork Orange Team - Michelle and Caleb-Luck, Leadership, Discipline
Pieces up for grabs: Courage, Friendship, Ingenuity, Perseverance, Karma
Who does blue team give the Samadhi to? (And Kristen, let other people answer this one...) |
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You know, I mean that Purple team gets the samadhi! Haha sorry that wasn't a full sentence before! |
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Yea, I know what you mean, okay, so purple team cracks open the Samadhi and inside is 10 pounds. This means that the purple team will have 10 extra pounds added to their weight. Good luck!
new mission... |
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Good choice, Ethan! That's who I would have picked! |
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Thanks! Yeah, it just made sense! |