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Blue Team - Christa and Aric-Strength, Knowledge, Leadership, Discipline, Luck, Ingenuity, Courage Red Team - Reece and Erika-Trust, Friendship, Perseverance Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler-Heart, Teamwork, Commitment
Pieces up for grabs: Karma
In this mission, we will take a look back at Endurance Hawaii, in the final temple mission, teams had to pick one circle out of 4. If they got it correct, they would move on to the next level. If they got it wrong, they have to start all over again. After 7 rows, 8 for blue, the teams have to choose between 3 circles. Underneath one is a golden triangle, if a team gets to that triangle, they win this mission.
FIRST SEVEN/EIGHT ROWS: Green Yellow Gray Orange LAST ROW: Red Purple Blue
POST: (team) picks (color) circle <--post that for all three teams:
Red picks orange circle. Purple picks green circle. Blue picks gray circle.
After that, I will say which circle had the triangle underneath...
Red-0/7 Purple-0/7 Blue-0/8
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Red picks Green circle Purple picks Green circle Blue picks Orange circle |
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Red picks Orange circle Purple picks yelow circle Blue picks Green circle |
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And red joins purple and blue back at the beginning... |
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Red picks Green circle Purple picks Green circle Blue picks Orange circle |
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Red picks Grey circle Purple picks Green circle Blue picks Orange circle |
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Red picks Orange circle Purple picks yelow circle Blue picks Green circle |
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Red moves on to row 4...will they get it this time? |
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Red picks Green circle Purple picks Yellow circle Blue picks Green circle |
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if red gets this right, they will move on to the last row, if they get it wrong, they will have to start back to the beginning...
and, they lift up their circle and underneath is a golden pyramid!
they must pick between 3 circles, red, purple, or blue... |
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Red picks Red circle Purple picks Yellow circle Blue picks Green circle |
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After this long mission, with red get is wrong and go back to the beginning or will they find the golden triangle underneath their own color? If they can find it, they will have won this mission, and blue and purple will be going to temple...
And red is correct! Red team, Reece, Erika, you have won this temple mission. I'm sorry but, purple and blue, you two must go to temple...
Blue Team - Christa and Aric-Strength, Knowledge, Leadership, Discipline, Luck, Ingenuity, Courage Red Team - Reece and Erika-Trust, Friendship, Perseverance Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler-Heart, Teamwork, Commitment
Pieces up for grabs: Karma
Please someone send me 7 elements for each [email protected] |
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I have blue's elements... |