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Blue team, purple team, welcome to the Temple of Fate. Here is the one place on this island that you want to stay away from. However, both of you teams are here, and one of you will be going home. The other, however, will have a spot in the final 2.
The teams pick their first elements: Purple: Fire Blue: Wood
Fire burns the wood, one win for purple team.
Purple-1 Blue-0
The teams pick their second element:
Purple: Water Blue: Wood
Wood floats on water, blue ties it up.
Purple-1 Blue-1
It all comes down to this, whoever wins this next one will go on to the Final 2 of Endurance Catskill.
Purple: Wood Blue: Fire
Fire burns the wood, blue team, you are going back to the huts and to the Catskill mountains. I'm sorry purple team, you played a great game.
Blue Team - Christa and Aric-Strength, Knowledge, Leadership, Discipline, Luck, Ingenuity, Courage Red Team - Reece and Erika-Trust, Friendship, Perseverance
Pieces up for grabs: Karma, Heart, Teamwork, Commitment
Who does purple give their pieces to? (can be split up)
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Oh, crap, I forgot that it was battle for the pieces..haha...oops |