 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 29 in Discussion |
Purple-Jonathan and Jacquelynn- Heart Red-Hannah and Kareem-Courage, Trust Yellow-Ben and Julie-Leadership, Commitment, Luck Green-Bjorn and Jordyn- Perseverance Orange- Calley and Trevor-Discipline Gray-Lauren and Kyle-Teamwork
Pieces: Ingenuity, Friendship, Karma, Strength
Last time on Endurance Anatom Island, red team won the mission, the trust piece, and the power to divide the island into two super teams. They chose to place themselves with the yellow and green team, leaving the purple, orange, and gray team on the other super team.
In this mission, each super team will have to push a 200 ton car. They will be in the sand, and it is very hard to push the car through the sand. It will take 15 pushes to get it from the start to the end.
POST: (super team) pushes-#/15
The first super team to push their car to the finish line first wins is safe from elimination. The other super team, however, will not be so safe. Two out of the three teams will go up to temple, where only one will return.
Good luck!
*note: you may only post every 2 hours... |
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RYG pushes #15/15 They win! If im allowed to choose, the send purple and orange! |
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This message has been deleted by the author. |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 2/25/2008 2:12 AM |
(if he isn't allowed to choose) RYG sends Purple and Orange |
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Okay, purple team and orange team, you guys will head up to the Temple of Fate...
Can two people please email me elements for each team? |
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Someone please send for purple... |
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Okay, still have not gotten anything, so, now I am changing it...
please post the elements each team chooses:
example: Purple-water Orange-wood
Purple wins!
You can only post once a day..once a team has 2 wins, they win at temple... |
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Purple-wood Orange-water
Purple wins!
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sorry i ment orange wins Purple-wood Orange-water Orange wins! |
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Okay, orange wins at temple and comes back! Which team receives the heart piece? (joey, just wait to see if anyone else replies...) |