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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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Vote Off Games : You Decide-Endurance Anatom Island-Temple Mission #3
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 Message 1 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123  (Original Message)Sent: 3/29/2008 7:24 PM
Red-Hannah and Kareem-Courage, Trust, Heart, Karma
Yellow-Ben and Julie-Leadership, Commitment, Luck
Green-Bjorn and Jordyn- Perseverance
Orange- Calley and Trevor-Discipline
Gray-Lauren and Kyle-Teamwork

Pieces: Ingenuity, Friendship, Strength

Last time on You Decide Endurance Anatom Island, the red team earned the Karma piece and the power to give any team a Samadhi. They chose to give it to their biggest competition, the yellow team. In this mission, knowledge will help a team win. The teams will be asked brain teasers and the first team to answer correctly will get one point. The first team to answer two questions correctly will win this mission and the power to send one team up to temple. Why only one? Because once a team answers two questions, I will continue asking more questions until all but one team has answered two correctly. The last team to do that, will automatically be sent up to temple. Because of the Samadhi, the yellow team will have to answer three questions correctly before they are safe. You can post once every four hours, or after someone else has already posted.

(color) team: (answer)

Good luck to all the teams!

The first question is:

I have one, you have one.
If you remove the first letter, a bit remains.
If you remove the second, bit still remains.
After much trying, you might be able to remove the third one also, but it remains.
It dies hard!

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 Message 2 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamekeerezSent: 3/30/2008 2:53 PM
Yellow team: Habit

 Message 3 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 3/30/2008 3:46 PM

There are seven parts to this riddle,
Each is part of a greater whole.
You see most of these,
Everyday as you please:

First is what I did to a book yesterday,
Second mixes with apples.
Third is a shout, then "ouch" you say,
Fourth shares the sound of mean.
Fifth is what the wind had done,
The sixth is often skipped.
The last and final can be called by two names,
If roses are this, then which is the blue one?

 Message 4 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekris_is_a_NewYorka2Sent: 3/30/2008 6:52 PM
Red Team: Read or Red?
Ugh, that can't be right...

 Message 5 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamekeerezSent: 3/30/2008 10:47 PM
Yellow Team: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

 Message 6 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 3/31/2008 11:11 PM
Yellow gets this correct! One more right and they will have overcome the Samadhi and won this temple mission.

Three brothers share a family sport:
A non-stop marathon
The oldest one is fat and short
And trudges slowly on
The middle brother's tall and slim
And keeps a steady pace
The youngest runs just like the wind,
Speeding through the race
"He's young in years, we let him run,"
The other brothers say
"'Cause though he's surely number one,
He's second, in a way."

What are the three brothers names?

 Message 7 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewesley_e7_greenSent: 3/31/2008 11:26 PM
the jonas brothers! lol. jk jk,
Red Team: the 3 stuges? [[spell?]]

 Message 8 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamekeerezSent: 4/1/2008 12:31 AM
Yellow Team:  the Hour, the Minute, and the Second

 Message 9 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 4/1/2008 2:48 AM
Yellow team wins! They now have the power to send one team to temple. We will continue to play until there is one team left.

What king can you make if you take
the head of a lamb
the middle of a pig
the hind of a buffalo
and the tail of a dragon

Also, I'm not accusing anyone, but please do not look the answers up...thanks!

 Message 10 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekris_is_a_NewYorka2Sent: 4/1/2008 8:20 PM
Red Team: lion?

 Message 11 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 4/1/2008 11:07 PM
Correct! Red team needs one more win to be safe from the first automatic temple selection...

I can be quick and then I'm deadly,
I am a rock, shell and bone medley.
If I was made into a man, I'd make people dream,
I gather in my millions by ocean, sea and stream.

 Message 12 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamekeerezSent: 4/2/2008 9:04 PM
Green:  Sand

 Message 13 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameendurancefreak123Sent: 4/3/2008 1:13 AM

Okay, I am really sorry to say this, but I think I will stop this game...there are only two people playing and I need to focus on school and sports...anyone can feel free to pick this game up, that's fine with me...again, sorry!

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