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This season of You Decide-Endurance is going to the Catskill Mountains. The Catskills are located deep in the Appalachian Mountains on the eastern side of the United States, and today, twenty teens from across the country will be taking the long journey to these mountains. They will be staying here for as long as they can take it. On this first day, four will be eliminated. Who will last the longest? Who will leave today? It's up to you!
GIRLS: Jenna Christa Michelle Vanetta Alex Erika Kristine Leslie Briana
BOYS: Skylar Phil Tyler Monroe Reece Franke Aric Will Caleb
These 18 kids must fight against each other for the right to stay in these mountains. Each person starts out with 0 points. You must add one point to one girl and one boy. If someone has three points, their name will be added to the SAFE category. At the end, the last two boys and two girls without three points will be going home...
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Good job guys!!! Keep at it! |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Michelle Vanetta Kristine-2 Leslie
BOYS: Skylar Reece-1 Franke-1 Aric-1 Will Caleb -1 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/20/2007 2:30 AM |
GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Michelle Vanetta Leslie
BOYS: Skylar Reece-2 Franke-1 Aric-1 Will Caleb -1 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Michelle-1 Vanetta Leslie
BOYS: Skylar Franke-1 Aric-1 Will Caleb -1 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Michelle-1 Vanetta Leslie
BOYS: Skylar Franke-1 Aric-1 Will Caleb -2 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Michelle-1 Vanetta Leslie1
BOYS: Skylar Franke-2 Aric-1 Will Caleb -2 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Michelle-2 Vanetta Leslie-1
BOYS: Skylar Aric-1 Will Caleb -2 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Vanetta Leslie-1
BOYS: Skylar Aric-2 Will Caleb -2 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke |
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GIRLS: Jenna Christa -1 Vanetta Leslie-1
BOYS: Skylar Aric-2 Will Caleb -3 - SAFE SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/20/2007 9:19 PM |
GIRLS: Jenna Christa-2 Vanetta Leslie-1
BOYS: Skylar Aric-2 Will-1 SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb |
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GIRLS: Jenna Vanetta Leslie-1
ELIMINATED BOYS: Skylar Will SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle, Christa Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb, Aric |
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GIRLS: Jenna- 1 Vanetta- Leslie-1
ELIMINATED BOYS: Skylar Will SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle, Christa Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb, Aric |
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GIRLS: Jenna- 1 Vanetta- Leslie- 2
ELIMINATED BOYS: Skylar Will SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle, Christa Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb, Aric |
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ELIMINATED GIRLS: Jenna Vanetta ELIMINATED BOYS: Skylar Will SAFE Girls: Erika, Alex, Briana, Kristine, Michelle, Christa, Leslie Boys: Monroe, Tyler, Phil, Reece, Franke, Caleb, Aric |