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In today's mission, one team will have the power to send two teams up to temple, where only one will return. Gray team has the Samadhi meaning they will have 45 fewer seconds than the rest of the teams. Good luck to all the teams!
Yellow Team-Alex and Monroe-Leadership Red Team - Reece and Erika-Trust Purple Team - Kristine and Tyler-Heart, Teamwork Blue Team - Christa and Aric-Strength Green Team - Franke and Briana-Courage Orange Team - Michelle and Caleb-Luck Gray Team - Leslie and Phil-Commitment
In this mission, the teams will have to paint a canvas. The canvas must be covered with their colored paint in order for that team to win. Where is the paint, you may ask. Well, one teammate will have up high on a beam with a big bucket of paint. Down below, the other teammate will be with the canvas. In between is a pulley system. The person that is with the paint will have to lower down a small bucket of paint. The person below will have to use their body to transport the paint in the bucket, to the canvas. At any time, the person above can lift up the small bucket and refill it. The first team to cover their canvas with all their paint wins this mission. Gray team has a 45 second delay, so, you may not post for them until 4:00ET today.
POST: (name-1) puts paint in bucket (name-1) lowers bucket (name-2) takes paint (name-2) runs to canvas (name-2) covers canvas with paint (name-1) lifts bucket
then, repeat this process...the teams must do this 3 times to cover the canvas, for a total of 18 posts...
Yellow Team-0/18 Red Team - 0/18 Purple Team - 0/18 Blue Team -0/18 Green Team - 0/18 Orange Team - 0/18 Gray Team - 0/18
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Monroe runs to canvas. Yellow Team- 16/18 Red Team - 4/18 Purple Team - 15/18 Blue Team -1/18 Green Team - 1/18 Orange Team - 0/18 Gray Team - 0/18 |
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It will be a race to the finish between yellow and purple! |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/29/2007 1:53 AM |
Kristine runs to canvas Yellow Team- 16/18 Red Team - 4/18 Purple Team - 16/18 Blue Team -1/18 Green Team - 1/18 Orange Team - 0/18 Gray Team - 0/18 |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/29/2007 2:24 AM |
Kristine covers canvas with paint Yellow Team- 16/18 Red Team - 4/18 Purple Team - 17/18 Blue Team -1/18 Green Team - 1/18 Orange Team - 0/18 Gray Team - 0/18 |
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Monroe covers canvas with paint. Yellow Team- 17/18 Red Team - 4/18 Purple Team - 16/18 Blue Team -1/18 Green Team - 1/18 Orange Team - 0/18 Gray Team - 0/18 |
 | | From:  keerez | Sent: 12/29/2007 2:44 AM |
Tyler lifts bucket Yellow Team- 17/18 Red Team - 4/18 Purple Team - 18/18 Blue Team -1/18 Green Team - 1/18 Orange Team - 0/18 Gray Team - 0/18 |
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PURPLE has their canvas covered with purple paint. Congratulations Kristine and Tyler! You two have proven that purple team is a strong team. Now, you two must choose two teams that will make the treacherous journey to the Temple of Fate, where only one team will return. Who will those two teams be? |
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The yellow and green team will go to the Temple of Fate, like always, I need two people to send me 7 elements for each team. Please inform me which team you are sending for.
email: [email protected]
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ah, i want Yellow to stay but in the past, my elements have always failed for another team...please, someone else send Yellow's elements in! |
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Ahhh why did you send Yellow and Green haha! I like them a lot! And now the teams that no one plays for will still be in (Grey and Blue). Hmm, it's okay, but now there will be less teams that people want to play that are still in! Ooo Yellow was so close haha! |
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Okay, I got both, but I will reveal the elements sometime later on... |