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 Message 1 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Eros  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2004 7:16 PM
It was dark outside, really dark.  Then again, it was night and that would make sense.  The night's events had led to the present circumstance.  Eros was standing at the opening of the cave, who's inhabitants he knew quite well but wish didn't, and those inhabitants probably recongized him... as either a threat or a meal.  In either fashion, he was in deep trouble.  He wasn't really a threat, he just wanted to sneak and peek around inside... and to kill them in their sleep, but that was irrelevant.  He looked back to see if he could spot the clearing his loving, if not marginally insane wife, was standing in, but couldn't.  It was too dark and too far.
"I swear, if there's just a bunch of broken pots in here..."
He didn't finish that thought outloud, he just drew his sword and flipped the magic book open to a page and chanted a small spell.  He looked away as it kicked in, a giant light grew from the pages and began to float in front of him.  He whispered a few more words and it shot back to the clearing, hoping to light his way back while he was running for his life for the second time tonight.

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 Message 37 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 12:34 AM
He didn't even realize he had it in his hand.  He shrugged. 
"Probably leave it here, this is an old sacrifical temple.  Or something close to it.  There haven't been sacrifices in thousands of years.  I just wanted to know what was in here.  There is alot of history in this cave Myranda."
He felt a gust blow around them.  The spirits were getting restless. 
"We have to release the souls of the holy men trapped here Myranda, they must join the rest of the ancestors..."
He looked at her, not sure of how to do that.

 Message 38 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 12:40 AM
I agree, and I would be honored to help them, but what exactly do we have to do?
~is a little concerned about the knife in his hand. Would the spirits call for another sacrifice in this place before they could be set free? She takes a step toward him and holds out a hand~
May I see it?

 Message 39 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 12:46 AM
He carefully gripped the knife by the blade and handed it to her. 
"Careful, it's still quite sharp probably.  My people have always been skilled artisans, our swords and knives don't loose their edge"
Reminded him, sheath your sword, moron, and did.  He walked around, the souls of those who passed here were still hanging around.  He picked up an old book, the pages almost fell out and the binding almost turned to dust.  He placed it back down and looked back at Myranda.
"I know how to release the spirits, it's an old ritual.  Only one person can preform it.  I want to do it, it's rather long and complicated."

 Message 40 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 1:01 AM
I understand, and I don't blame you. I do hope you're not expecting me to leave you alone here, though.
~looks down at the knife and examines it, thinking it looks safe enough. And he'd sheathed his sword, so she feels a little foolish for her earlier thoughts. Saying a mental apology for her suspicions of the spirits here, she turns the knife and holds the hilt back out to him~

 Message 41 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 1:10 AM
"I wasn't planning on starting the ceremony first.  I wanted to meditate and investigate the area, make sure there isn't any artifacts I may want to take along.  I may just end up with that knife."
He shrugged and turned to face her.  He took a step foreward.
"I appreciate your help myranda, I do.  But, I have to do this alone, without witnesses.  You should head back to the Inn."
He shed his cloak and handed it to her. He looked at her, hoping she'd listen to him this time.
"I'm not in any sort of danger, it's warm in here.  Take my cloak, you were freezing the way here, and don't say you were.  Please?"

 Message 42 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 1:15 AM
No. Absolutely not. I mean no disrespect to the spirits, but we don't know if there are any more of those things out there. I can't leave you alone here. I will wait outside the cave, but no further than that, and only that far because I know you can call me if you need help.
~folds her arms across her chest, making no move to put on his cloak~

 Message 43 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 1:18 AM
He looked at her, why was she so protective of him?  Love was annoying at times like this.  Though.. he was grateful earlier when she killed the big ugly things.
"Fine, there's blankets and a tent in the bag I brought along.  Start a fire, get warm and get out of the elements.  If you're going to sit outside, take my cloak."
He shook it at her,  making sure she realized that if she was staying, she was taking it.
"Alternatively, I can seal the cave off and you don't have to stand guard."

 Message 44 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 1:34 AM
~stares hard at him for a long moment, then snatches the cloak away and turns, heading for the cave exit. She stops and looks back at him with a frown~
I will be right outside.
~turns again and moves off into the woods, searching for the bag Eros brought with him. She finds it and drags it back to the came entrance, then gathers some fallen branches and piles them up, using a spark of magic to ignite them. She huddles down beside the fire and wraps a blanket around herself, holding his cloak balled up in her arms~

 Message 45 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 1:45 AM
He rummaged around for a while, looking in the nooks and crannies of the place, there wasn't anything there really.  He took the books and placed them outside the bigger room.  He sat down in the middle of the room and began to meditate.  It was unlike any experience ever.  Everything was so clear and vivid.  It all made sense.  He only meditated for a half hour or so, before he started the ceremony to release the souls of the dead.
It was a difficult ceremony that involved some very strange languages chanted repeatedly.  Eros glowed, literally.  He looked like a night light.  Another half hour later, he finished.  The winds had died and the cave seemed at peace. 
He grabbed the knife and the books and emerged from the cave, looking at Myranda.
"Thank you Myranda, I appreciate it greatly."
He sat down on the ground next to her.  Looking at the fire flicker. 

 Message 46 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 1:47 AM
~looks up at him and blinks, wondering if she dozed and lost track of time or something~
That was it? You're finished?
~looks around at the mouth fo the cave and frowns~
Did you see any more of those beasts in there?

 Message 47 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 1:50 AM
He looked back in and shook his head.
"That was it, nothing else to do.  The cave is sacred, the connection to the ancestors there is powerful, it's clearer.  And.. well, the ceremony wasn't as hard as I remember it to be.  And no, I didn't see anything else in there.  Should there have been?"
He took the cloak she had balled up and placed it around her shoulders.

 Message 48 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 1:57 AM
I don't know. I just expected it to be harder. Or for there to be more of them. Or for them to be harder to kill... Or something. We're both in one piece. I think... You're in one piece, aren't you?
~shrugs the cloak off and tosses it over his own shoulders. Yes, she's cold, but she has a blanket, and he has nothing at the moment~

 Message 49 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 2:00 AM
He sighed and shrugged.
"Physically?  Yeah... "
He sounded super depressed now, he had hoped something would have had happened in the course of the night.  He wasn't sure what. 

 Message 50 of 51 in Discussion 
From: Lady_MyrandaSent: 1/6/2004 2:04 AM
~sighs softly and gets up, holding a hand down to him and kicking dirt over the fire~
Come on. Let's go home. We're both filthy, and I'm tired. Very tired.

 Message 51 of 51 in Discussion 
From: ErosSent: 1/6/2004 2:10 AM
He took her hand, but mostly stood up on his own.  He held it, not letting go.
"I'm sure as hell not running this time."
Three hours later, they were home.
Three hours, 30 seconds later, he was in bed and asleep.

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