Live Donor Kidney transplant
Mine was termed "uncomplicated". In on Monday, released Friday afternoon. The hardest part for me was adjusting to the medications. 2 years later, all is well.
Kidney Transplant
My precious gift of a new kidney was given lovingly by my husband Bill on December 5, 2000. We checked into the hospital Monday, surgery was on Tuesday, and I went home on Saturday. Bill went home Thursday after surgery, and could have gone on Wednesday, but chose not to. I'm at the eight month point now and am doing well, with the exception of some side-effects to the medications. Bill has done just great from the beginning. Having a fully working kidney is a new life and new hope. It's a miracle for sure. Janice and Bill Webber
Unrelated Live Donor kidney transplant
On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, Cleo the kidney was passed on from my very special husband Leo, to me, Cathy. At first the little guy did not want to work but on the 6th day he decided to finally kick in. Unfortunately the ureter became unattached from the bladder and another surgery was required to repair the breakage. Although I have had a lot of "bumps" with my transplant and the process, I consider myself very lucky that it is 2 months post transplant, my husband is doing great, we are finally back home in our house after living in our RV for 2 months, and things are slowly, but surely, progressing. I have been blessed with a wonderful gift and I am alive.........PKDCat :-
  I finally got the call at 9:00 on Dec 5,2001. The happest day of my life. We went to the hospital the next morning. Then we waited. and waited and waited. It hadn't been harvested as of yet. Then it was harvested and put on a plane from California. I went into surgery at5:00 PM on the 7th. Took 7 hours. Went home 3 days later but had to return two days after that. Stayed 4 more days and now I'm home and doing GREAT. I feel wonderful and BOY am I peeing. lol. This was the best Christmas I have ever had in my life. Thank you all for your Prayers and best wishes. I hope you all can be as lucky as I was. I Thank the Lord every day. Thank you Jesus.... Linda Faulkner [email protected]
Living Donor
On September 1, 2001, I received a Kidney from my Sister. That was the greatest gift that God and her could have given me. I love my sister dearly. So, far to date I have had no problems. And I thank God everyday. There is no way that I could ever repay my sister. The only thing that I could think of is to make sure that I keep myself healtly and do everything the doctor tells me. This is my second chance at life and I will live each day being thankful and try to help others more. I started working after a year, now that keeps me busy. I hope and pray that everyone who gets a transplant that everything works out fine. God Bless everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
ABO-incompatible transplant
On may 6th, I donated a kidney to my husband, Duane. It was an ABO incompatible transplant. I was in for 3 days and he was in for 3 weeks. He has some complications with his pancreas, but all is well now. He is doing great and it is wonderful to see him enjoy life again. I thank God for the amazing things that doctors can do now. 5 years ago, this wouldn't have been possible.
PKD, Kidney failure, Dialysis and TX
Had PKD and at age 28 kidney finally failed, quickly and without much warning....on dialysis for 6 months and received cadaver kidney atHahnemann Hospital here in Phila. Had a terrible time of it, rejections every night and doc told me outlook was for failure and dialysis once again....'Get ready for that' he said. That was in 1979....and that kidney is doing quite well.......go figure ! Just so thankful for this '2nd chance'. Been working for most of that time, coming up on 18 years at the Post Office, still not 'disgruntled' nor could never be after going through that !!!
Transplant - Unrelated Living Donor
I had a right nephrectomy in January 2002 forcing me to start hemo immediately. My husband's cousin (bless her heart) was found to be compatibleenough to donate (but no antigen match) and I received her left kidney on 11/19/02. I felt amazing immediately and luckily the drugs have hardly bothered me, even the steroids just make me feel more energized although I get extremely tense in traffic and that is the steroids too. Other than that, a little heartburn here and there, and shaky hands on occasion, I haven't felt so well in 15 years. I am like my old self once again. Katie and Cameron
kidney transplant
I was diagnosed with kidney failure at age 29 then found out it was due to PKD. I did hemodialysis for a year and met many others in my samesituation. On October 24, 2001 I had a transplant that was graciously given to me by my younger sister. The doctors said the kidney looked happy to be there and I believe that because my sister gave it to me with all her love. The kidney has been going strong since the day it came to me. I am taking new meds like prograf, cell cept and of course prednisone along with blood pressure meds. I have the moon face, weight gain and shakiness of the hands but I consider these all a small price to pay for a second chance at living a normal life again. I am very happy and have much hope for the future for all people with PKD.
Cadaver Donor
[email protected]
hey evryone!...im bac aftr about a wk and a half...i went to NY Presbyterian (which is the best in NY and the 7th best in the USA)...i just had my tx on 12/3/05 and it was a success...my drs. were Dr. Perelstein and Dr. Goldstein...i was in the Ped. ICU til 12/6/05 and then i was moved to the regular Peds...on that Thursday, i got my PD Catheter taken out (on anothr surgery)...they were suppose to discharge me on saturday (12/10/05) but my creatinine took a jump from 1.4 to 2.4...that nite, the drs. gave me a steriod and tested my blood the next mornin...in the mornin it was 1.7, that evenin it was 1.4, and this mornin it was 1.4...they let me go today (but i wasnt discharged til tonite)...i feel great but differnt...its gunna take a few days to get used to not hookin up to a machine evrynite and watchin my diet...i luv it though!!...FREEDOM!!!...lol...if ne1 has ne questions or tips for me, feel free to e-m me...thnx for all the help on me learnin more bout my disease...ill tteos! (talk to evry1 soon)...bye *~Kristina~* PS...today is now 12/17/05 and this was writtin on monday nite (the 12th)...my creatinine has gone down from a 1.4 to a 0.9!...im doin great and stayin strong...ill tteos...bye PPS...today is now xmas eve and and this was written on monday 12/12/05...my creatinine went up to 1.4 and is stayin ther...im gunna get fridays test results on tuesday prob. (cause of the holiday wknd)...ill tteos...bye (3/31/06-now it is 3mos. post tx and im doin great...i just took bloods and my levels are good...my creatinine is down to 1.0 and is stayin ther...tteos...thnx for evrythin evryone!  ...bye)
Living donor
[email protected]
I qualified for the list in 1/05. I had 8 different folks from my work and church offer to donate a kidney to me. 7 were tested, one by one, and the 7th, Beth, a friend from church, passed. From the time she started testing til the time of the transplant was 10 mos. The transplant was 6/14/06 Wednesday morning. Beth was released the following Saturday and I was released Sunday. Creatine dropped to 1.1 by day 2! All is going well.