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When the daylights gone and your on your own
And you need a friend, just to be around.
I will comfort you, I will take your hand,
I will pull you through, I will understand

And you know that

I'll be at your side,
There's no need to worry,
Together we'll survive,
Through the haste and hurry,


I'll be at your side, if you feel like you're alone,
And you have nowhere to turn, I'll be at your side,

If life's standing still, and your souls confused,
And you cannot find what road to choose,
If you make mistakes you can't let me down,
I will still believe, I won't turn around,

I'll be at your side,
There's no need to worry,
Together we'll survive,
Through the haste and hurry,

We are

for life !



heb je nodig om te lachen
heb je nodig om te troosten
heb je nodig om lol met te maken
heb je nodig om uit met te gaan eten
zijn enige die lachen met je grappen
heb je nodig om zot met te doen
zijn er om met te vieren
zijn er gewoon om van te houden !!!



Once in a While


Once in a while you find a friend
who's your friend right from the start.
Once in a while the friendship's so strong
it really warms your heart.

Once in a while that friendship lasts
your whole lifetime through.
It only happens once in awhile,
like it happened with me and you.

geef mij jouw hand
en ik voer je mee
geef mij je hart
ik verdraag geen nee
geef mij jouw tranen
en ik beloof je trouw
geef mij jouw lach
dan ben ik er altijd voor jou
waarheen onze wegen ook gaan
ik zal altijd achter je staan
door mij aan jou gegeven
een vriendschap voor het leven


Why are you so special to me?

Because I know I can depend on you.

Because you know when to laugh at me
and when to take me seriously.

Because you know what to repeat
and what to keep to yourself.

Because you sense the feelings behind the words.

Because you always see something positive in me.

Because you are never fake but
are always honest with me.

Because you are a giver not only of
your time but of yourself.

Because you are a rare combination
of strength and sensitivity.

Because you know me better than most people.

Because you are not afraid to step
out into the unknown.

And most of all because I have the
privilege of calling you friend.