I had a special stand built to hold my PTRD so that I could do some ammo/powder testing. Hade everything set up.... stand with remote firing device.... pressure trace system... shooting chrony.... and low and behold I inadvertently pull the end off the cable to the sensor :(
So off the the factory to get fixed it goes and an order for a spare cable as well.
Hope to have it back next week so I can do it again.
The 14.5x114mm round for the PTRD and PTRS rifles is a very powerful round. It throws a 64 gram bullet at 1,000 metres per second. That's not a projectile that you want to argue with!
Well. New cable in hand and a spare cable in the parts kit... off to the rifle range I go with my PTRD, custom stand and laptop. I set everything up on that 33 celsius day and hope for the best.
Well.... everything worked. I got my very nice pressure readings and saved everything on the computer. Aside from a tech glitch and having to shut the computer down it was a good day.....
I then get home and look at all the data..... I notice a secondary pressure spike. Humm, I says to myself..... I must ask a professional. So I call the fine folks at RSI and ask.. Whats up with this? The long and short of it is I have a powder that needs to push a bigger, heavier bullet..... So... bigger bullet it will get.... more testing on the way.....
Ain't it great getting answers to questions that you never asked :D