Greetings, well after a wicked 11 months all up, I am back. For those that did not know, I spent 7 months in the Baghdad area on Operation Catalyst (Aussie commitment), and its great to be back on Australian soil.
Butch, by now you should have a total of three helmets (two Iranian 'Soviet helmets' from Saddam's Crossed Swords, and one Iraqi fibreglass type which I got from a local guy) which were sent from Baghdad via the USPS. I'll be in touch in an email soon, ha!
I will be back with the Regiment in a couple of weeks, and I really needed the time off, as there is lots of changes.
I sill have not had a welcome back party yet, as thats yet to be planned.
Well, time for some fish & chips, and awhisky!
Regards from Bribie Island,