 | | From: mspibb (Original Message) | Sent: 7/17/2008 6:07 PM |
I was completely underwhelmed with Merrill! They ran out of a lot of stuff the first day. I got a new Glitz black shirt the first morning because my old one is missing spots. The next day I went back and all that was left of those was 3 3XL shirts! They ran out of a bunch of the "by words" stuff the first day! And the makeup kits. I am sure they had them divied up for each wave, but geesh! Remember AIM had the racks of discounted clothing? NOthing like that. Also AIM would have racks of try on sizes - I asked the manager if they couldn't open some shirts for people to get an idea of sizes. I got a 2X in the Black but wanted that lavender 3 button 3/4 sleeve shirt and the largest they had was a XL and it was about 1/2 the size of my 2X black! One of my cluster mates said she was standing next to this size 6 little girl who got a fleece vest in an XL the clustermate said I didn't even pick it up because I figured I would need a 60X if she needed an XL! Melanie (who still managed to spend over $80!) |
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Yeah, me too. I did pickup a couple of things but I really didn't care for most of the clothing. I just hope mine fits. I managed to get there early day one & figured I'd get my shopping done with, the calendars looked nice but I was not buying a pack of 25 of them (or whatever it was). Got a light sweater, a 3/4 shirt, a tee for my son to replace the one he outgrew & an outdoor banner (that was on sale, otherwise I would never have gotten it)- that pretty much blew my shopping budget right there. I never thought I'd say I missed VIP & Aim but at least they had some more variety. I still REALLY miss Nancy's artworks, she always had fun stuff! In a workshop, a couple gals were talking about the merril catty and lack of kids stuff (which is so true) One suggested matching mom & daughter shirts (in pink)& commented that little girls were 'all about pink' and I had to laugh, I've always hated pink. Give me blue or purple anyday  - I made sure I got the white HWC apron when it was available way back. LOL. Kim |
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I spent about $70 plus tax. Buying there saved you the OUTRAGEOUS shipping charges. I bought the lavender 3/4 sleeve stretchy shirt, the long-sleeve HWC tshirt, outdoor banner, one package of stickers, 2 hat pins, package of 6 I love what I do pins, and the adorable pink diaper./tote bag. I have to say I too was not impressed with their "clearance" pricing. With as many items that were on the website shown as discontinued I think there should have lower prices. They actually screwed up and charged me the indoor banner price for my outdoor banner. They had a "will call" set up so you could shop and pay for it later. That was nice! Tara |
 | | From: Amanda | Sent: 7/17/2008 9:49 PM |
I blew a bunch of money, but I really only order from them once a year--at conference! I bought lots of postcards, the calendars (what great host gifts for the fall!), two shirts (bought XL, and am hoping they shrink a bit). I'm bumming because I picked up a new business card case (I really need one), and I guess I dropped it or something, because I did the drop off & pay the next day, and it didn't end up in the bag. Luckily I didn't get charged for it. It cost $10 to have FedEx ship it all home, and I have it already. I'm bummed because I refuse to place an order and pay the shipping to get the business card holder, so now I guess I'll wait until next year! They did run out of a lot of things. I was saying to a consultant who was upset that they have to pay to ship the stuff from MN, and I can't imagine it's cheap or that they want to pay to ship it home. It's unfortunate that some of the more popular items ran out, but honestly, they can't bring one of everything for everyone. It wouldn't be cost effective at all, I would imagine. Amanda |
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I went to the merrill store twice and ened up spending over 400 bucks. I was not as happy with it as I was happy with options in past times. Oh well life goes on. I loved the shipping it in my surprise boxes home. Cheap and only like abuck more then last year and it all came yeasturday so I was impressed with FedEx in that one. There was a few things I wanted that they did not have the size so I asked one of the directors to look in her store and they didn't have them in there either. My luck. I figured going in early on day one would have made it easier but no. Still I am very glad they have things there since other companies I worked as a consultant for never had anything like that at the conferences. I feel we are lucky. I loved conference this year more then last so I am happy no matter what. Plus the surprises boxes were better this year. Tonya tophatstyle Tri-Cities WA |
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Please email Merrill, tell them how you feel. One of my team member's went to Merrill excited to shop, of course, not much for being Wave 3. I did purchase at Merrill, but not as much as last year. jane |
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I got to the Merrill booth almost right after I got my packet on day 1. I snatched up some non-clothing items: pink diaper bag, cosmetic/travel bag, license plate frame, purse hook. I got a set of free maracas with my order. On the HO tour bus, a girl in front of me noticed my mirror was cracked in the cosmetic bag. So when we got back from the tour, I went back and since I had to wait in line again, I got more. I grabbed what looked like the last cosmetic bag, a Making Strides tshirt, host envelopes, a tshirt for my son [that is actually WAY big but better big than small]. I think I got something else but I can't remember what. I know that I didn't get anymore clothes for me. I'm, ahem, large chested and to fit one part I needed big and then sleeves that should be short were too long and things looked sloppy. I don't care for long sleeves because I'm usually hot. It seemed to me like there were lots of long sleeve styles of shirts. Then ones that I might have gotten, I just still didn't like the idea of spending over $25-35 on one shirt. Well, it was easy to take care of my exchange and I got another set of free maracas. I gave them to my kids! Some registers were giving out free lip balm but I liked the maracas better. I did ship most of my stuff home with my surprise boxes and they beat me home. : ) Sandi |
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