She did a good job. I was impressed with her product knowledge. It was a difficult show for her because it was group of friends and they were chatting amongst themselves which she found frustrating. (they also kept taking "Smoke Breaks" but she is a smoker too and went with them!) I told her the chatting happens and we discussed not doing 2 recipes.
But here is my darn it story to go with this..
Our local Theater Guild was putting on Driving Miss Daisy in my church's Christian Life Center. Miss Daisy was played by a church member who happens to be Calista Flockhart's mother (you know Allie McBeal). Well I went to the play on Friday night instead of Sat so I could go to her show. Guess who was at the play on Saturday. Yes Calista and her "boyfriend" better known as HARRISON FORD! I sat at lunch Sunday with our choir director's wife and listened to her talk about having supper after the play with them!
GRRRR! Melanie