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Just got this from another MSN group I belong to & thought it worthwhile to pass on here. ~ Marian PS I will post this thread link over to the HOW TO CLASS 101 page (link located over on the lefthand side navigational tool bar) so if ya ever need a refresher course on how to do this, it's already there for you!!  When MSN's got the HiCcUpS the best thing to do is DOUBLE CLICK everything, including the "New Discussion" button, the "Send Message" button, ALL links, everything! This will really help pages and posts load and send correctly.... Also - if you click on the "Send Message" button and your post turns white and doesn't appear to send, DON'T WORRY - it's not lost and you don't have to retype your message! - just Right Click inside that blank white post window, choose Refresh, then a new little window will pop up, click on RETRY. You might have to do that more than once when the HiCcUpS are bad HTH & Feel free to pass this tip along!! ~ MHM |
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I thought my computer had a virus or something. Margie |
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Oh, might I add something as well.... Get yourself into the COPY Habit. Whenever you get ready to hit SEND MESSAGE button, highlight your entire text & hit the COPY button up on top of the Reply Text Window (it'll only take a few seconds, but believe me it sure saves on the hassle of having to retype the whole stinkin' message all over again!!). That way if your message goes off into "Never Never Land", never to be seen again, not even with a blank reply text message window to be seen anywhere, you'll have copied it onto your computer's clipboard ready for the next time you hit PASTE in ANY venue: docs, reply text windows, etc. So get into the " COPY Habit"!!  You WON'T regret it!  Marian PS Now off to COPY THIS whole post.... |
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It's WHITE OUT DAYS today @ MSN Groups. AHHHHHH!!!!  So keep hitting the REFRESH/RELOAD button till ya get SOMETHING to show up besides ALL-WHITE PAGES!! If at 1st ya don't succeed, try, try, try again & again & again & again & again & ......LOL Marian |
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for Kelly & everyone else who might be experiencing this!! Marian |
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Been here almost a year now and finally read this :) I'll make sure to try this next time MSN gets gremlims. Thanks a bunch! Jenny |
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Can this be added to Hot Topics? 'cuz I need to use it almost every day! ggggrrrrr....msn!
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Leisa, YOU or anyONE in WLPCtoo can add a HOT TOPIC link to the HOT TOPICS! page. HOW?? Easy. On the page itself, you will find a ADD A HOT TOPIC LINKS link AT THE VERY TOP LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE PAGE, DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH THE HOT TOPICS! WORD. It looks like this: Btw, the link to this thread has ALREADY been saved over on our HOW TO CLASS 101 page. The link to the HOW TO page is found on the LEFT HAND SIDE of EVERY WLPCtoo page in the NAVIGATIONAL TOOL BAR, which is listed DIRECTLY ABOVE the HOT TOPICS link, & below the HELPFUL LINKS link. HTH, Marian  PS Of course if you are experiencing MSN WHITE OUT DAYS then you probably will have a dickens of a time trying to get these pages to load to help you out, SO....you might want to c/p this info from this thread into a WORD DOC so you'll have it @ your fingertips, &/or send it to your own email addy for easy retrieval no matter where you are: work, home, or otherwise!  |
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:) I found it in the how to class 101 section but I know I'll use it. Hot topics and saving to your comp are a good idea too. Jenny |
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