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Games : Left/Right Game
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejlm1970  (Original Message)Sent: 8/10/2005 9:47 PM
Left/Right Game

When (hostess) booked a show, I knew right away
That working with her would make my day.
She made up her list of who to invite
And went over it twice to make sure it was right.
As replies came in, she checked them right off her list
Until no one was left and no one was missed!
She chose the right menu for her friends to eat
And left it to me to make it a treat.
She did all the right things and now waits to see
What she will get from her wish list for free
With everything packed, I left right away
Thinking about the show and the right things to say.
You arrived right on time as I set up my things
And spoke of the joy that Pampered Chef brings.
You learned that with Stoneware, pizza crusts cook just right
And a whole lot more you didn't know until tonight
The right tool for the job is what you have found
You can't wait to bake cookies that are evenly browned.
The chopper, the stones, what's the right thing to choose?
Buy them all! You have nothing to lose.
The show feels right, the food will be a hit
There’ll be nothing left, not even a bit.
There's much left to show and lots to say
So why not book a show of your own right away?
And if you're looking for the right position
The Pampered Chef should be your decision.
You've seen and heard what the Pampered Chef can do
Now the choice is left up to you.
That's all I have left to say for tonight
Except that the winner is left on the right!!

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametanyalynn324Sent: 10/6/2005 4:52 PM
can someone explain how this works? thanks!

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJenningsDebSent: 10/6/2005 10:20 PM
You have all the guests in a circle.  You give them a few freebies (citrus peelers and the like) scattered throughout the group.  Then you read the above poem.  When you say right, they pass the item to the right.  When you say left, they pass the item to the left.  When you are done, whoever is holding the prize gets to keep it.